Apocalypse 17: 4: "The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, and held in her hand a golden cup, full of abominations and the impurities of her fornication."

Apocalypse 17, 1: "One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke to me and said: o Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who is sitting on many waters ...."
1. The Whore Sits On Many Waters
As we have already seen, the great harlot sits on many waters. The Apocalypse gives us a clue of what these many waters are.
Apocalypse 17:15: "And he said to me: The waters that you see, on which the harlot is sitting, are peoples,crowds, nations and tongues."
"Peoples, nations and tongues" are indicative of global influence, something that influences all corners of the earth. Rome and the Roman Catholic Church immediately come to mind. The Roman church has incorporated worshipers from all peoples, nations and languages.
Pope Pius XII, Fidei donum # 46, April 21, 1957: "Now, our holy Mother the Church is in fact the Mother of all nations, of all peoples, as well as of individual persons ..."
Captains, sailors and those who work at sea represent those who work with souls in the Catholic Church, that is, priests, religious, etc. They cry for the desolation of Rome and wonder how it has collapsed in such a short time.
Apocalypse 17, 9: “Here is the meaning of wisdom. The seven heads are the seven hills on which the woman is sitting, and they are seven kings. " As has already been said, Rome was built on seven hills. Since the great harlot sits atop the city of seven hills, the great harlot sits atop Rome itself - the center of unity in the Catholic Church and the home of the Roman Pontiffs.
Babylon has historically been considered a code name for Rome.
1 Peter 5, 13: "The church of Babylon, participant of your choice, greets you, and Mark, my son."
Biblical scholars understand that St. Peter wrote this epistle from Rome, which he calls "Babylon." Therefore, Rome is Babylon and Babylon has fallen.
Apocalypse 17, 18: "The woman you have seen is that great city that has sovereignty over all the kings of the earth."
Apocalypse 11, 8: "Their bodies [that of the two witnesses] will lie in the plaza of the great city, which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was crucified."
Another consideration is that at present the mystical body of Christ is being crucified in and from Rome, so in that sense it would also be accurate to say that Rome is the place where the Lord is crucified in his mystical body.
The big city is Rome. Historically, no other city has ruled over the kings of the earth like Rome, which has a spiritual and ecclesiastical primacy to which all nations must be subject.
Bonifacio VIII, Unam Sanctam, November 18, 1302: "Now, submitting ourselves to the Roman Pontiff, we declare it, we say it, we define it and pronounce it as of all necessity of salvation for every human creature."
Apocalypse 17, 6-7: “I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus, and seeing her, I was amazed. The angel said to me: What do you marvel at? I will declare to you the mystery of the woman and the beast that carries her, which has seven heads and ten horns."
While it is true that the Harlot of Babylon is the Roman church that began with the Great Apostasy of the 11th Century, it would make sense for this apocalyptic entity to be described as a woman, in order to contrast it with another woman - her antithesis - the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Revelation 17, 5: "On his forehead he had a name written: Mystery: Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the earth."
Papists have always referred to the Church as their mother.
Pope Leo XIII, Satis cognitum # 16, June 29, 1896: "Let us love the Lord our God, let us love his Church, the Lord as our Father, the Church as our Mother."
Pope Pius XI, Mortalium animos # 11, January 6, 1928: “Because, if, as they repeat, they wish to associate with Us and with Ours, why don't they rush to come to the Church, mother and teacher of all faithful of Christ? ”.
Pope Pius XII, Mystici corporis Christi # 66, June 29, 1943: “And, certainly, this pious Mother shines without blemish in the sacraments, with which she generates and feeds her children; in faith, which at all times remains uncontaminated ... "
Pope Leo XIII, Exeunte iam anno # 2, December 25, 1888: "... the Roman Church, mother and teacher of all churches ..."
It is quite obvious that the Apocalypse describes the harlot of Babylon as the "mother of harlots" because the apostasy takes over Rome. Rome has become the harlot mother in an almost universal false Church of the last days. And we see this in action: the apostasy and spiritual fornication of the false Church begins in Rome and then spreads to all the local churches in the false sect. For example: the religious indifferentism practiced in Rome spread to the rest of the false Church. Therefore, since the true Church is the loving mother, the harlot is the mother of fornications. And insofar as the Church is the mother of all the Christian faithful, the harlot is the mother of infidels of Christ, that is, of those who have left the Church and accepted the new religion of the 11th century.
Apocalypse 17, 4: "The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, and she had in her hand a golden cup, full of abominations and the impurities of her fornication."
In the Roman Church, bishops wear purple and cardinals wear scarlet (red).
By choosing to describe the Whore of Babylon as a woman "clothed in linen, purple and scarlet," God is giving us a clear indication that the harlot is dressed in the colors of the papist and cardinal episcopate. God is giving us a clear indication that the harlot is wearing these colors. This is a perfect description of the apostate Roman church, the false End-time Church, which is dressed in the colors of Papism.
6. The Whore Has a Gold Cup in Her Hand
Apocalypse 17: 4: "The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, and held in her hand a cup of gold, full of abominations and the impurities of her fornication."
In the Roman church priests have to use, if possible, a golden chalice to celebrate mass. It is no coincidence that the Whore has a golden chalice in her hand. The Whore, as usual, imitates acts and pretends to be the true Church, but she is not. An orthodox priest offers the golden chalice with the precious blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Whore offers a cup (chalice), full of abominations and filth - the invalid wine of the Roman mass.
Eugene IV, Exultate Deo, Council of Florence, session 8, November 22, 1439: “In fact, the blessed Pope Alexander says, fifth successor of the blessed Peter: 'In the oblations of the mysteries that are offered to the Lord within the celebration of the mass, they must offer in sacrifice only bread and wine mixed with water. Because it should not be offered for the chalice of the Lord, neither came alone nor water alone, but one and the other mixed, since one and the other, that is, blood and water, are read as having sprouted from the side of Christ. ’ Also now, because it is convenient to sacrifice the effect of this sacrament, which is the union of the Christian people with Christ. Water, in effect, means the people, according to the passage of the Apocalypse: The many waters ... are the many peoples [Apoc. 17, 15]… Then, when the chalice mixes the water and the wine, the people unite with Christ and the common people of the believers are united and close with Him in whom they believe. ’”
7. The Whore is Characterized by Her Fornication
It is simply a fact that, when the term fornication is used in Holy Scripture, it often describes idolatry and spiritual infidelity.
Exodus 34, 16: "Neither take your daughters for your sons, and their daughters, when they prostitute themselves to their gods, drag your sons to prostitute themselves before their gods."
Many other passages could be given to demonstrate that Scripture describes spiritual infidelity and idolatry as fornication and prostitution. When a "great harlot" commits fornication throughout the world, it is spoken in this context, clearly indicating the apostasy of true faith. As we have demonstrated in this book, the apostasy of true faith and the acceptance of false idolatrous gods / religions is exactly what most characterizes the apostate Roman church. She has brought the demonic "gods" of the pantheon of world religions on par with the true God.
This fornication which begins from apostate Rome and its apostate popes (above) has spread and assimilated throughout the Earth (below), as we have shown.
The inter-religious apostasy of the counter-Church extends from Rome to the universities, etc., as we see here
The Whore of Babylon is guilty of spiritual fornication to the point that this is the action that characterizes her title - "the great harlot". By such a description, God is directly contrasting the harlot with the true Church; because the Church is a woman characterized by her unwavering fidelity to her Husband, Jesus Christ.
Just as the Roman Catholic harlot is known for her impurity, the Orthodox Catholic Church is known for her chastity.
8. The Whore has Separated from Her Husband
9. The Light from The Lamp will no longer shine on The Whore
Apocalypse 18, 23: “The light of the lamp will no longer shine on you; and the voice of the husband and the wife will no longer be heard, because your merchants were magnates of the earth, because with your curses all nations have gone astray."
The "light of the lamp" is a reference to the lamp of the Most Holy in Catholic churches. This lamp signifies the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This lamp can hardly be found in Vatican II churches. In most cases, it has been moved towards a lateral nave or in the back of the church. But more than the moving of the sanctuary lamp, Revelation 18, 23 is indicating that the real presence of Christ (the valid Eucharist) is no longer found in the Roman church.
10. Everyone is Drunk with the Wine of Her Fornication
The Whore of Babylon is repeatedly condemned for fornication having to do with wine. Why? As we have shown, it is the change in the form of the consecration of wine that renders the new Roman mass invalid!
11. The Whore Becomes Drunk with The Blood of The Saints and Martyrs
Apocalypse 17, 6: "I saw the woman get drunk with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus, and seeing her, I marveled greatly"
The Whore can be said to be drunk on the blood of the saints on many levels. The first that comes to mind is ecumenism as practiced by the Roman church. It is the effort to unite all religions as one without conversion, in the respect of all religions as being essentially equal.
What is also interesting is that the Apocalypse mentions that the martyrs cry out from under the altar.
The Roman church prescribes that the altars where the Mass is celebrated must contain relics of martyrs. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that the martyrs, whose lives are mocked by ecumenism and the support of the Vatican sect for false religions, are crying out "under the altar." They are crying out not only against interfaith ecumenism, which mocks their lives, but also at the liturgical abominations that take place directly upon their relics at the papist mass.
Apocalypse 18, 4-5: “I heard another voice from heaven saying: Come out of her, my people, so that you do not defile yourself with her sins and so that part of her plagues do not reach you; for their sins piled up to heaven, and God remembered their iniquities."
If Roman Catholics do not completely break up with the great harlot these people may lose their souls in eternal fire for blaspheming against the Church of Christ, which has no fellowship with the works of darkness, which has no part with non-believers, and does not maintain friendship with the woman of iniquity. Although much of the world has been swallowed up by the great harlot, the Immaculate Bride of the Lord continues to exist in all its purity, despite having been reduced to a remnant. This pure woman who represents the remnant of the True Orthodox Church in the last days.
We must enter this remaining Orthodox church in the desert. We must keep "the faith that was given to the saints" (Jude 1, 3), and draw near to God by receiving the true sacraments and praying the Jesus Prayer (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me sinner).
In particular, this verse refers to the Romanist mass, which does not contain the blood of Jesus Christ, but an offering that is an abomination in the sight of God.
Apocalypse 18, 6: “Give to her according to what she gave, and give her double her works; in the cup she mixed, mix it twice."
In the Roman mass, the water is mixed with the wine in the chalice.
The symbolism of Revelation 18, 6 —mixed in a cup— could not be more obvious without revealing the mystery of the verse. It is an obvious reference to the mass, which has been completely perverted by the harlot. She has nothing to offer God in her cup, but filth and abomination (Apoc. 17, 4). Furthermore, this verse (18, 6) points to a specific point in the mass, the mixing of wine and water. This action of mixing them means the union of the Christian people with Christ, as defined by Eugene IV in the Council of Florence. As we have seen, this is the precise meaning that has been removed from the consecration of the new mass, rendering it invalid. In the same verse, therefore, God reveals that the harlot performs massive spiritual fornication in areas that refer to the Mass and the Roman Church as a whole. It is an amazing description of the Vatican sect of the end times.
Apocalypse 17, 1-2: “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth have fornicated, and the inhabitants of the land were drunk with the wine of their fornication.
Apocalypse 18, 3: "For the wine of the wrath of her fornication drank all the nations, and with her the kings of the earth fornicated, and the merchants of all the earth were enriched with the power of their luxury."
Judges 2, 17: "They prostituted themselves, going after the strange gods, and worshiped them, soon turning aside from the path that their parents had followed, obeying the precepts of the Lord: they did not do so."
Pope Siricio, letter to Hemerio, February 10, 385: “And for this reason he wanted the form of chastity of his Church, of which he is her husband, to radiate with splendor, so that he could find it without spot or wrinkle [ Ef. 5:17] as instituted by his apostle."
The Church is "the Immaculate Bride of Christ". The "great harlot" represents only the greatest mockery of the Immaculate Bride of Christ in history.
Pope Hadrian I, Second Council of Nicaea, 787: “… Christ, our God, when he took his Catholic Church, who has no stain or wrinkle, as his Wife, promised to take care of her and assured his holy disciples saying: I am with you every day until the consummation of the world."
Apocalypse 18: 7: “When he was puffed up and given himself over to luxury, give him as much torment and mourning. Since she said in her heart: As a queen I am sitting, I am not a widow nor will I ever see a duel,"
In another incredible verse, the Apocalypse tells us that the harlot says to herself, "As a queen I am sitting, and I am not a widow." She is not a widowed woman because her (ex) Husband is not dead.
Apocalypse 1, 17-18: “So I saw her, I fell at her feet as dead; but he put his right hand on me, saying: Fear not; I am the first and the last, the living one, who was dead and now I live forever and ever, and I have the keys of death and hell."
The Bridegroom of the Orthodox Church is Jesus Christ. The harlot, being a false Church that has broken with the Orthodox Church, had Jesus Christ as her Husband until she separated from Jesus Christ leaving her traditions and teachings. Instead of being a faithful wife, the harlot has become her own queen, who is happy to impose her own will and glory, her own teachings and religion on others. Although the harlot has separated from the Church by forming her own "Church" and religion, the Bride of Christ — the Orthodox Church — always maintains union with her Husband, even though most of the world has left her to join the harlot.
"The voice of the husband and the wife" in Apocalypse 18, 23 is a reference to Christ and his Church.
Jesus Christ is the Bridegroom, and his mystical body, the Church is his Immaculate Bride. When the Apocalypse refers to the voice of husband and wife, it is yet another confirmation that the harlot of Babylon is the Roman church, which has abandoned the teaching (or voice) of the Bridegroom (Jesus Christ) and the Bride (His Church ).
Apocalypse 18, 3: "For out of the wine of the wrath of her fornication all nations drank, and with her the kings of the earth fornicated."
Apocalypse 14, 8: "A second angel followed him, saying: Babylon the great fell, who made all the nations drink of the wine of the fury of her fornication."
Apocalypse 16, 19: "And great Babylon was remembered before God, to give him the chalice of wine from the fury of his anger."
Apocalypse 17, 1-2: “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who is sitting on many waters, with whom the kings of the land have fornicated, and the inhabitants of the land were drunk with the wine of their fornication."
The reason the harlot is condemned for the wine of fornication is due to the invalidating changes that have been made TO THE PART of the words of the consecration OF WINE at the new Roman mass. These changes in the part of the consecration of the wine invalidate both consecrations. The papist church has really "made all nations drink of the wine of the fury of their fornication" (Apoc. 14, 8).
Apocalypse 18, 24: "And in her was found the blood of the prophets and of the saints and of all the slain ones on the earth."
Ecumenism goes directly against the revealed truth that the gods of non-Christian religions are demons (Psalm 95, 5, 1 Cor 10, 20), and puts Christ on the level of Lucifer. Throughout this book we have exposed the false ecumenism of the Roman sect. The apostate Roman church considers false religions more or less good and worthy of praise. Therefore, the memory of the saints and the martyrs whose flesh was ripped off with iron hooks is blasphemed, their bodies were given as food to the lions and their heads were cut off because they refused to compromise their faith one iota or say that "all religions are more or less good and worthy of praise". He also mocks all the sacrifices of all the saints who gave their lives to the priesthood, to religious life, for missionary work. Everything was unnecessary, according to the Vatican sect.
Apocalypse 6, 9: “When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slaughtered by the word of God and by the testimony they kept. They cried out with loud voices: Hasta How long Lord, Holy, True, will you not judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth? ’”
Apocalypse 18, 20, Judgment of God on the harlot: "Rejoice for it, oh heaven, and the saints, and the apostles and the prophets, because God has judged our cause against her-"
Conclusion on The Whore of Babylon
It is evident that the apostate Roman church is the harlot of Babylon prophesied in the Scriptures.
Apocalypse 11, 2: "Leave the outer court of the temple outside and do not measure it, because it has been given to the nations, which will tread the holy city for forty-two months."
It should be noted that the "forty-two months" (Rev. 11, 2), the "one thousand two hundred and sixty days" (Rev. 12: 6), and the "one time, and two times, and half a time" (Rev. 12, 14) and 3 and 1/2 years are considered by some scholars as a symbol of a period of persecution.
Luke 21, 34-35: “Be attentive, lest your hearts be dull by the scapula, drunkenness and worries of life, and suddenly that day comes upon you like a snare; for it will come upon all the inhabitants of the earth."
The snare is used to catch animals. Now, if the snare of the last days consists of a false Church created from Rome, and a spiritual invasion of the city (Rome), then the "animal" that the devil is trying to catch is Christianity.
Apocalypse 12, 6: "The woman fled into the desert, where she had a place prepared by God, so that they might feed her there for one thousand two hundred and sixty days."
Apocalypse 12, 14: "But the woman was given two wings of a large eagle to fly to the desert, to her place, where she is fed for a time, and two times, and half a time away from the sight of the serpent."
Apocalypse 12, 17: "The dragon was enraged against the woman and went to make war against the rest of her offspring, against those who keep the precepts of God and have the testimony of Jesus."
Apocalypse 12, 12: "Here is the patience of the saints, who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus."
VERSION EN ESPAÑOL: Roma es la Ramera profetizada en el Apocalipsis
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