
domingo, 28 de junio de 2020

Даница Крстић: Химна Светом Сави (Danica Krstic: Himna Svetom Savi)

Himna Svetom Savi
Uskliknimo s ljubavlju
Svetitelju Savi
Srpske crkve i škole
Svetiteljskoj glavi.
Tamo venci tamo slava
Gde naš srpski pastir Sava.
Pojte mu Srbi,
Pesmu i utrojte!

Blagodarna Srbijo,
Puna si ljubavi
Prema svome pastiru
Svetitelju Savi.
Celo Srpstvo slavi slavu
Svoga oca Svetog Savu.
Pojte mu Srbi,
Pesmu i utrojte!

S neba šalje blagoslov
Sveti otac Sava
Sa svih strana svi Srbi
S mora i Dunava.
K nebu glave podignite
Savu tamo ugledajte.
Savu srpsku slavu,
pred prestolom Tvorca!

Da se srpska sva srca
S tobom ujedine,
Sunce mira, ljubavi,
Da nam svima sine,
Da živimo svi u slozi,
Sveti Savo, ti pomozi,
Počuj glas svog roda,
srpskoga naroda!

Pet vekova Srbin je
U ropstvu čamio
Svetitelja Save
Ime je slavio.
Sveti Sava Srbe voli
I za njih se Bogu moli.
Pojte mu Srbi,
Pesmu i utrojte!

Uskliknimo s ljubavlju
Svetitelju Savi
Srpske crkve i škole
Svetiteljskoj glavi.
Tamo venci tamo slava
Gde nas srpski pastir Sava.
Pojte mu Srbi,
Pesmu i utrojte!

Blagodarna Srbijo,
Puna si ljubavi
Prema svome pastiru
Svetitelju Savi.
Bosna i Hercegovina
Svetog Save dedovina
S tobom slave slavu
Svetitelja Savu.

Bačka, Sreme, Banate
I Srbijo Stara
Ravanice, čuvaj nam
Telo knez Lazara;
Crna Goro, sestro mila,
Zdravo i ti s nama bila
Da slavimo slavu,
Svetog oca Savu!

S neba šalje blagoslov
Sveti otac Sava
Sa svih strana svi Srbi
S mora i Dunava.
K nebu glave podignite
Savu tamo ugledajte.
Savu srpsku slavu,
pred prestolom Tvorca!

Mileševo slavi se
Telom Svetog Save
Koga slave svi Srbi
S obe strane Save;
Sinan-paša vatru pali
Telo Svetog Save spali,
Al’ ne spali slave,
Niti spomen Save.

Pet vekova Srbin je
U ropstvu čamio
Svetitelja Save
Ime je slavio.
Sveti Sava Srbe voli
I za njih se Bogu moli.
Pojte mu Srbi,
Pesmu i utrojte!

Da se srpska sva srca
S tobom ujedine,
Sunce mira, ljubavi,
Da nam svima sine,
Da živimo svi u slozi,
Sveti Savo, ti pomozi.
Počuj glas svog roda,
Srpskoga naroda!

English translation
Hymn to Saint Sava
Let us exclaim with love
To Saint Sava
The Serbian church and school's
Holy Leader.
There are wreaths, there is glory
Wherever our holy headsman Sava is.
Sing to him, Serbs,
This song and make it three times!

Blessed Serbia,
Thou art full of love
For your herdsman
Saint Sava.
The entirety of Serbdom praises the glory
Of their Father Saint Sava.
Sing to him, Serbs,
This song and make it three times!

From the Heavens he sends blessings,
Holy Father Sava
From all sides, all Serbs,
From the sea to the Danube
Raise your heads toward the Heavens
Catch sight of Sava,
Sava, the Serbs' glory,
Before the throne of the Creator!

May all Serbian hearts
Unite with you,
Let the sun of peace and love
Shine upon us all,
Let us all live in harmony,
Saint Sava, aid us,
Hear the voice of Thy people,
The Serbian race!

For five centuries the Serb
Who has languished in slavery
Praised the name
Of Saint Sava.
Saint Sava loves the Serbs
And for them he prays to God.
Sing to him, Serbs,
This song and make it three times!

Let us exclaim with love
To Saint Sava
The Serbian church and school's
Holy Leader.
There are wreaths, there is glory
Wherever our holy headsman Sava is.
Sing to him, Serbs,
This song and make it three times!

Blessed Serbia,
Thou art full of love
For your herdsman
Saint Sava.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Saint Sava's ancestral land,
With you they celebrate
Saint Sava.

Bačka, Srem, Banat,
And Old Serbia,
Ranavica Monastery, protect for us
The body of Saint Lazar;
Montenegro, dear sister,
May you have good health and be with us
To celebrate
Our Holy Father Sava!

From the Heavens he sends blessings,
Holy Father Sava
From all sides, all Serbs,
From the sea to the Danube
Raise your heads toward the Heavens
Catch sight of Sava,
Sava, the Serbs' glory,
Before the throne of the Creator!

Mileševa Monastery celebrates itself
With the body of Saint Sava
Whom is glorified by all Serbs
From both sides of the Sava (river);
Sinan Pasha lights the fire
To burn the body of Saint Sava,
But he fails to extinguish the glorification,
And remembrance of Sava.

For five centuries the Serb
Who has languished in slavery
Praised the name
Of Saint Sava.
Saint Sava loves the Serbs
And for them he prays to God.
Sing to him, Serbs,
This song and make it three times!

May all Serbian hearts
Unite with you,
Let the sun of peace and love
Shine upon us all,
Let us all live in harmony,
Saint Sava, aid us,
Hear the voice of Thy people,
The Serbian race!

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