
miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2022

Why do you celebrate Christmas on January 7th? - ¿Por qué celebráis la Navidad el 7 de Enero?




The answer to this question is quite simple, for those who are open minded and open hearted.

1. We are not "Old Calendarists", we are simply Orthodox Christians who kept to the calendar which the Orthodox Church always observed, that being the Julian Calendar.

2. As Orthodox Christians, we do not celebrate Christmas, but rather, the Holy Nativity of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ.

3. We do not celebrate Christmas (Holy Nativity) on the 7th January. Quite simply, when the civil calendar reads the 7th January, the Orthodox Calendar reads 25th December, therefore, we celebrate Christmas (Holy Nativity) on the 25th December.

4. The reason that we who observe the Julian Calendar and not the Gregorian Calendar, is because the Orthodox Church always rejected and condemned the Gregorian Calendar, including 3 Pan-Orthodox Councils in the 16th Century and all the Regional councils thereafter.

5. Unfortunately, in 1924, the Freemason Patriarch of Constantinople, Meletios Metaxakis, changed the Calendar, and influenced Greece, Cyprus, Romania, as well as a couple of other countries to follow his footsteps. The introduction of the Gregorian Calendar in the Orthodox world, marked the beginnings of Pan-Heresy of Ecumenism, so that all "Christians" (Roman Catholics, Protestants, fake Orthodox, etc...) would celebrate the Feast Days on the same day. 

Bishop Sozomenos




 La respuesta a esta pregunta es bastante simple, para aquellos que tienen una mente abierta y un corazón abierto. 

1. No somos "calendarios antiguos", somos simplemente cristianos ortodoxos que se apegaron al calendario que la Iglesia ortodoxa siempre observó, que es el calendario juliano. 

2. Como cristianos ortodoxos, no celebramos la Navidad, sino la Santa Natividad de nuestro Señor, Dios y Salvador Jesucristo. 

3. No celebramos la Navidad (Santa Natividad) el 7 de enero. Sencillamente, cuando el calendario civil lee el 7 de enero, el calendario ortodoxo lee el 25 de diciembre, por lo tanto, celebramos la Navidad (Santa Natividad) el 25 de diciembre

4. La razón por la que nosotros, que observamos el Calendario Juliano y no el Calendario Gregoriano, es que la Iglesia Ortodoxa siempre rechazó y condenó el Calendario Gregoriano, incluidos 3 Concilios Pan-Ortodoxos en el siglo XVI y todos los Concilios Regionales posteriores. 

5. Desafortunadamente, en 1924, el Patriarca Francmasón de Constantinopla, Meletios Metaxakis, cambió el Calendario e influyó en Grecia, Chipre, Rumania, así como en un par de otros países para seguir sus pasos. La introducción del calendario gregoriano en el mundo ortodoxo marcó el comienzo de la Pan-Herejía del ecumenismo, de modo que todos los "cristianos" (católicos romanos, protestantes, falsos ortodoxos, etc.) celebrarían los días festivos el mismo día. 

Obispo Sozomenos



viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2022

Святой пророк Софония




Вси светии  




Св. пророк Софония

VІІ век преди Христа

Чества се на 3 декември




Кондак, глас 4

Явился еси светозарен божественным духом, пророче Софоние, Божие явление возгласив: ращуйся зело дщи Сионя, Иерусалимови проповеждь: се Царь твой грядет спасаяй.


Житие на свети пророк Софоний

Св. пророк Софоний, живял в VІІ век преди Христа, бил съвременник на св. пророк Йеремия и пророчествувал в дните на цар Йосия. Като предсказал бедствията, които трябвало да постигнат Юдея и околните страни, той предвещал на юдейския народ и светлите новозаветни времена, когато Господ щял да посети Своя народ и си избере люде кротки и смирени, които ще се уповават на името Господне, няма да вършат неправди и няма да говорят лъжа.

"Ликувай, дъще Сионова! – се провиква той. – Весели се и се радвай от все сърце, дъще Йерусалимова! Господ отмени присъдата над тебе, изгони врага ти! Господ, цар Израилев, е посред тебе: повече няма да видиш зло... Господ, Бог твой, е посред тебе: Той е силен да те спаси." (Софон. 3:14-17)

Старий Завет на Господа Нашего Иисуса Христа





1. Слово Господне, което биде към Софония, син на Хусия, син на Годолия, син на Амория, син на Езекия, в дните на Иосия, син Амонов, цар иудейски.
2. Всичко ще изтребя от лицето на земята - казва Господ:
3. ще изтребя човеци и добитък, ще изтребя птици небесни и риби морски, и съблазните заедно с нечестивите; ще изтребя човеците от лицето на земята, казва Господ.
4. И ще простра ръката Си върху Иудея и върху всички жители на Иерусалим; ще изтребя от това място остатъците на Ваала, името на жреците със свещениците,
5. и ония, които върху покривите се покланят на воинството небесно, и ония от покланящите се, които се кълнат в Господа и се кълнат в царя си,
6. и ония, които отстъпиха от Господа, не търсиха Господа и не Го подирват.
7. Замълчи пред лицето на Господа Бога, защото близо е денят Господен. Вече приготви Господ жертвеното клане, назначи, кого да повика.
8. И в деня на жертвата Господня Аз ще споходя князете, синовете на царя и всички, които се обличат в дреха на чуждоплеменници;
9. ще споходя в оня ден всички, които прескачат праг, които дома на своя Господ напълнят с насилие и измама.
10. И ще има в оня ден, казва Господ, вик при Рибни порти и ридание при другите порти и голямо разрушение на хълмовете.
11. Плачете, жители от долната част на града, защото ще изчезне целият търговски народ, и изтребени ще бъдат натоварените със сребро.
12. И в онова време Аз ще огледам Иерусалим със светило и ще накажа ония, които седят на дрождието си и казват в сърце си: "Господ не прави ни добро, ни зло", -
13. и ще станат богатствата им плячка, и къщите им ще запустеят; те ще построят къщи, а няма да живеят в тях, ще насадят лозя, а вино от тях няма да пият.
14. Близо е великият ден Господен, близо - и твърде бърза: вече се чува гласът на деня Господен. Горчиво ще завика тогава и най-храбрият!
15. Ден на гняв е тоя ден, ден на скръб и на теснотия, ден на опустошение и разорение, ден на тъма и на мрак, ден на облак и на мъгла,
16. ден на тръба и на боен вик против укрепени градове и високи кули.
17. И Аз ще стесня човеците, и те ще ходят като слепи, защото съгрешиха против Господа, и разхвърлена ще бъде кръвта им като прах, и плътта им - като смет.
18. Ни среброто им, нито златото им не ще може да ги спаси в деня на гнева Господен, и от огъня на ревността Му ще бъде погълната цялата тая земя, защото изтребване, и при това внезапно, ще извърши Той над всички жители земни.



1. Изучете се внимателно, изучете, народе необуздани,
2. докле не е дошло определението - денят ще прехвръкне като мекина - докле не е дошъл върху ви пламенният гняв Господен, докле не е настъпил денят на яростта Господня.
3. Потърсете Господа, всички смирени на земята, които изпълнявате законите Му; потърсете правдата, потърсете смиреномъдрието; може би ще се скриете в деня на гнева Господен.
4. Защото Газа ще бъде напусната, и Аскалон ще опустее, Азот ще бъде изгонен посред ден, и Екрон ще се изкорени.
5. Горко на жителите от приморската страна, на критския народ! Словото Господне е върху вас, хананейци, земя Филистимска! Аз ще те изтребя, и ти няма да имаш жители, -
6. и ще стане приморската страна овчарска кошара и ограда за добитък.
7. И тоя край ще се падне на остатъка от Иудиния дом, и ще пасат там и в къщите на Аскалон вечер ще си почиват, защото Господ, техният Бог, ще ги споходи и ще върне плена им.
8. Чух Аз хулата на Моава и обидите на синовете Амонови, как те се подиграваха с Моя народ и се големееха на пределите му.
9. Затова жив съм Аз! казва Господ Саваот, Бог Израилев: Моав ще бъде като Содом, и синовете на Амона ще бъдат като Гомора, притежание на коприва, солна ровина, пустиня навеки; остатъкът от народа Ми ще ги вземе плячка, и оцелелите от човеците Ми ще ги получат в наследство.
10. Това им е за високомерието им, задето те се подиграваха и се големееха над народа на Господа Саваота.
11. Страшен ще бъде за тях Господ: Той ще изтреби всички земни богове, и Нему ще се покланят - всеки от мястото си - всички острови на народите.
12. И вие, етиопци, ще бъдете избити с Моя меч.
13. Господ ще простре ръката Си на север, ще унищожи Асур и ще обърне Ниневия в развалини, в място сухо като пустиня,
14. и стада ще лежат сред нея и всякакъв род животни; пеликан и еж ще нощуват в резбените й украшения; гласът им ще се разнася из прозорците, разрушението ще се покаже на вратните стълбове, защото няма да има на тях кедрова обложка.
15. Ето какво ще стане тържествуващият град, който живее безгрижно и казва в сърце си: "аз съм, и няма други освен мене". Как стана той развалина, леговище за зверове! Всеки, минавайки покрай него, ще подсвирне и ще махне с ръка.



1. Горко на града нечист и омърсен, който притеснява!
2. Не слуша гласа, не взима от наставления, на Господа не се уповава, към своя Бог не се приближава.
3. Князете му посред него са рикащи лъвове, съдиите му - вечерни вълци, които не оставят до сутринта нито една кост.
4. Пророците му са човеци лекомислени, вероломни; свещениците му оскверняват светинята, тъпчат закона.
5. Господ е праведен посред него, не върши неправда, всяка сутрин явява Своя съд неизменно; но беззаконникът не знае срам.
6. Аз изтребих народи - разрушени са твърдините им; пусти направих улиците им, тъй че никой не ходи по тях; разорени са градовете им: няма нито един човек, няма жители.
7. Аз казах: "бой се само от Мене, приемай наставления!" и няма да бъде изтребено жилището му, и няма да го постигне злото, каквото му бях определил; а те прилежно се стараеха да покварват всичките си действия.
8. И тъй, чакайте Ме, казва Господ, до оня ден, когато ще се дигна за опустошение; защото е определено от Мене да събера народи, да свикам царства, за да излея върху тях Моето негодувание, всичката ярост на Моя гняв; защото от огъня на яростта Ми ще бъде погълната цялата земя.
9. Тогава Аз пак ще дам на народите чисти уста, та всички да призовават името на Господа и да Му служат единодушно.
10. От страните отвъд реката на Етиопия поклонниците Ми - децата на Моите разпилени - ще Ми принесат дарове.
11. В оня ден ти няма да се срамиш от своите различни постъпки, с каквито грешеше против Мене, защото тогава Аз ще отстраня из средата ти ония, които напразно се хвалеха със своята знатност, и няма вече да се превъзнасяш на светата Ми планина.
12. Но ще оставя всред тебе народ смирен и прост, и те ще се уповават на името Господне.
13. Остатъците от Израиля няма да вършат неправда, няма да говорят лъжа, и няма да се намери в устата им коварен език, защото сами ще се пасат и ще лежат, и никой няма да ги разтревожи.
14. Ликувай, дъще Сионова! тържествувай, Израилю! весели се и радвай се от все сърце, дъще Иерусалимова!
15. Господ отмени присъдата над тебе, изгони врага ти! Господ, Цар Израилев, е посред тебе: повече няма да видиш зло.
16. В оня ден ще кажат на Иерусалим: "не бой се", и на Сион: "да не отслабват ръцете ти!
17. Господ, Бог твой, е посред тебе: Той е силен да те спаси; ще се развесели за тебе с радост, ще бъде милостив по любовта Си, ще тържествува за тебе с песни".
18. Тъгуващите за тържествени празненства Аз ще събера; твои са те, върху тях тежи укор.
19. Ето, Аз ще стесня всички твои притеснители в онова време и ще спася онова, що хроми, ще събера разсеяното и ще ги туря на почит и именитост по цяла тая земя на техния укор.
20. В онова време ще ви доведа и тогава пак ще ви събера; защото ще ви направя именити и почетни между всички земни народи, когато ще върна вашия плен пред очите ви, казва Господ.


jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2022

Святой пророк Аввакум



Свя­той про­рок Ав­ва­кум, один из 12 ма­лых про­ро­ков, про­ис­хо­дил из ко­ле­на Си­мео­но­ва, про­ро­че­ство­вал око­ло 650 го­да до Р. X.

Про­рок Ав­ва­кум пред­рек раз­ру­ше­ние Иеру­са­лим­ско­го хра­ма, ва­ви­лон­ское пле­не­ние и воз­вра­ще­ние плен­ных на ро­ди­ну. Во вре­мя вой­ны с ва­ви­ло­ня­на­ми про­рок уда­лил­ся в Ара­вию, где с ним про­изо­шло сле­ду­ю­щее чу­до. Ко­гда он нес обед жне­цам, ему встре­тил­ся Ан­гел Гос­по­день и мгно­вен­но пе­ре­нес его си­лою сво­е­го ду­ха в Ва­ви­лон, где в это вре­мя то­мил­ся в тем­ни­це про­рок Да­ни­ил. Так, пи­щей, пред­на­зна­чав­шей­ся для жне­цов, уто­лил го­лод го­ни­мый про­рок. По­сле окон­ча­ния вой­ны с ва­ви­ло­ня­на­ми про­рок Ав­ва­кум вер­нул­ся в свое оте­че­ство и умер в глу­бо­кой ста­ро­сти. При свя­том кон­стан­ти­но­поль­ском ца­ре Фе­о­до­сии Млад­шем (408–450) бы­ли об­ре­те­ны его мо­щи.

Жития святых Память святого пророка Аввакума

Память 2 декабря

Святой пророк Аввакум был сын Асафата и происходил из колена Симеонова, как повествует о нем святой Епифаний Кипрский в своей книге «О жизни пророков». По преданию, записанному святыми отцами 7948 , родиной Аввакума было небольшое селение Бетзохар, иначе называемое Виезахир.

Самое имя – Аввакум 7949 , – данное ему при рождении, предзнаменовало, что из него выйдет сильный духом подвижник. Придя в возраст совершенный, он, ради славы имени Божия, ревностно выступил на обличение беззаконий своего народа. Сам же он, горя духом о Господе, строго соблюдал заповеди Божии, твёрдо стоял на пути добродетели, и был удостоен от Господа дара пророческого.

Аввакум пророчествовал и жил после царствования благочестивого иудейского царя Езекии, когда на престоле царствовали нечестивые цари: Манассия, сын Езекии и потом Амон, сын Манассии 7950 . По свидетельству Священного Писания ( 2Пар.33:9 ; 4Цар. 21:2–10 ), в народе Иудейском при Манассии были постоянные раздоры и злодейства: сильный угнетал слабого, и негде было искать суда справедливого. Сам царь Манассия был первым гонителем невинных: он пролил весьма много невинной крови, так что наполнил ею Иерусалим от края и до края ( 4Цар.21:16 ). По преданию, в числе невинных пострадал в это время и святой пророк Исаия, равно как пострадали многие другие обличители неправд и нечестия царя и народа.

Впоследствии царь Манассия, наказанный Богом и взятый в плен Ассирийцами, раскаялся и обратился к Истинному Богу. Но зло, посеянное им, пустило уже глубокие корни среди народа еврейского; Манассии же наследовал нечестивый сын Амон, подобно отцу своему преданный грубому идолопоклонству.

Пророк Аввакум глубоко скорбел о развращении своих современников. Не находя нигде правды, он изливал свою скорбь, взывая ко Господу:

– Доколе, Господи, я буду взывать – и Ты не слышишь меня, буду вопиять о насилии – и Ты не спасаешь? Для чего даешь мне видеть злодейство и смотреть на бедствие? Грабительство и насилие предо мною, и восстает вражда и поднимается раздор. От этого закон потерял силу, и суда правильного нет: так как нечестивый одолевает праведного, то и суд происходит превратный» ( Авв.1:2–4 ).

Так взывал пророк ко Господу, видя беззакония людские и ожидал праведного суда от Самого Бога. В ответ на сие, Господь возвестил Своему избраннику, что скоро должно наступить наказание за всеобщее нечестие. По повелению Божию, пророк Аввакум предсказал евреям такое страшное событие, которому в его время даже трудно было поверить, – именно разрушение храма и самого Иерусалима и пленение Вавилонское 7951 .

Пророк ясно указал, что орудиями сего наказания Господь избрал Халдеев 7952 , – народ свирепый и необузданный, который быстро проходит по пространствам земли, чтобы завладеть чужими селениями.

В трепетном ожидании грозного нашествия, пророк Аввакум недоумевал: неужели праведный Господь попустит гордым и нечестивым Халдеям совершенно истребить избранный народ Свой. В надежде, что наказание это будет временным, он ожидал нового откровения от Господа и в своем молитвенном ожидании был подобен стражу, зорко смотрящему вдаль с городской башни 7953 , чтобы возвестить о приближении врага. Он пламенно молил Господа спасти народ еврейский от рабства Вавилонского, как некогда Он спас его от рабства Египетского, и ждал, что возглаголет ему Господь.

Тогда Господь открыл пророку Своему, что всё спасение избранного народа среди этих бедствий заключается в вере, а гордые и необузданные Халдеи сами должны будут испытать ту же участь, которую они приготовили побежденным народам ( Авв.2:4 ). После того пророк Аввакум, чтобы не повергнуть соотечественников в отчаяние от предстоящего им испытания от Бога, произнес притчу на погибель Халдеев, возвестив пятикратное горе угнетателям ( Авв.2:9–19 ). В этой притче он показал всё ничтожество идолов и могущества Халдеев, пред величием Бога Истинного, шествующего во спасение людей Своих. Пророк, в озарении свыше, предвещал, что Бог грядет для спасения народа Своего от горы приосененные чащи (Фарана), для спасения помазанного Своего, и наступит такое время, когда вся земля наполнится познанием славы Господа, как воды наполняют море ( Авв.3:13 ) 7954 .

Когда Навуходоносор подступал к Иерусалиму, то, по свидетельству предания, пророк Аввакум удалился из города. Зная, что бедствие уже неотвратимо, и что сопротивление столь сильному завоевателю будет бесполезно, пророк с горестью оставил свое отечество, чтобы не видеть разорения его и избежать жестокости победителя. По указанию Божию, Аввакум поселился в земле Аравийской, в городе Остракине 7955 и жил здесь добровольным изгнанником до самого удаления врагов из его отечества.

По удалении Халдеев, он возвратился в землю свою, оплакал бедствие ее и вместе с уцелевшими из народа стал заниматься земледелием. В молитве к Богу за народ свой ожидал он возвращения плененных из Вавилона.

Однажды, во время жатвы, пророк сварил похлёбку и, взяв хлеба, пошел в поле, чтобы отнести этот обед жнецам. Но на пути ему предстал Ангел Господень и сказал:

– Отнеси этот обед в Вавилон к Даниилу, в ров львиный.

В это время, действительно, пророк Даниил, живший при дворе царя Вавилонского, по ненависти нечестивых Вавилонян, был ввергнут в львиный ров.

Но Аввакум, не зная города Вавилона, отвечал Ангелу:

– Господи! Вавилона я никогда не видал и рва львиного не знаю.

Тогда Ангел Господень силою духа своего восхитил Аввакума и, подняв его за волосы, перенёс в Вавилон и поставил прямо надо рвом, куда ввергнут был Даниил.

И воззвал Аввакум:

– Даниил! Даниил! Возьми обед, который Бог послал тебе.

Даниил же возблагодарил Бога и сказал:

– Вспомнил Ты обо мне, Боже, и не оставил любящих Тебя.

Даниил поднялся и вкусил пищи. Ангел же Господень мгновенно поставил Аввакума на его прежнее место.

После чудесного посещения Даниила, пророк Аввакум возвратился к жнецам своим во время обеда их, и никому не сказал о случившемся. Он проразумел, что народ Иудейский возвращен будет Господом из Вавилона в Иерусалим, подобно тому как совершилось чудесное перенесение его в Вавилон и возвращение оттуда. Но это испытание народа Божия длилось 70 лет, и Аввакум не дожил до возвращения евреев из плена и умер в старости и погребен был с честью на собственном поле 7956 .

Кондак, глас 8:

Возгласивый вселенней от юга пришествие Божие от Девы, Аввакуме богоглаголиве, и на божественней стражи предстоянием слышания от светоносна ангела, Христово воскресение возвестил еси миру. Сего ради весело зовем ти: радуйся, пророков светлая доброто.

* * *


Блж. Епифанием Кипрским и св. Исидором Испалийским.


Аввакум – с еврейского значит собственно обнимающий, обхватывающий, а потом-сильный борец, подвижник.


Начало пророческой деятельности Аввакума нужно отнести к тем годам царствования Манассии, когда сей нечестивый царь, взятый в плен Асаргаддоном, смирился и покаялся в заточении. Пророчества Аввакума относятся к периоду времени с 660 г. и захватывают собою годы царствования преемника Амона, благочестивого царя Иосии, до 611 г.


Кн. прор. Аввакума ( Авв. 1:6–12 ). Об этом же наказании, за нечестие народа в царствование Манассии и его сына, говорится в 4Цар. 21:12–14 .


Халдеи – по-еврейски: хасидим, произошли от Хеседа, сына Нахорова, брата Авраама ( Быт. 22:22 ). Происходя от семитического корня, Халдеи первоначально жили в северной гористой стране Месопотамии, ближе к Армении, на юг от озера Ван. Из этой древней местности Халдеи расселились по течению Евфрата, на юг и восток по всей Месопотамии и Вавилонии и вскоре сделались народом господствующим. В период владычества Ассириян, они с последними сделали многие завоевания и, по отделении Вавилонии от Ассирии, при Набополассаре особенно при Навуходоносоре, победили многие народы и царства. Всюду, при завоеваниях, Халдеи отличались крайнею жестокостью и воинственностью.


( Авв. 2:1 ). Образ речи взят от обычая устраивать сторожевые башни на горах и высоких местах для того, чтобы стражники благовременно узнавали об опасности для селений, возвещали бы о близости неприятеля, о победе и поражении. Свв. пророки были стражи, поставленные Богом как бы на некоторой высоте для наблюдений и возвещение воли Его. На этой божественной страже святой пророк Аввакум, отрешившись от всего земного, бодрствовал духом и пламенно молился Богу об открытии воли Его о Своем народе. Находясь в таком состоянии, он благоговейно ожидал, когда луч света Божия проникнет в его ум, озарит душевные его очи, и что возглаголет ему Господь.


Здесь не только предрекается избавление Евреев из плена Вавилонского, но и спасение рода человеческого. Таким образом, это пророчество – мессианского характера. Указывая на южную страну по отношению к Палестине, где и была гора Фаран, покрытая тенистым лесом, Аввакум открыл евреям, что они получат избавление от рабства Вавилонского чрез народ, пришедший с южной стороны. Действительно, Кир, царь Персидский, привел Мидян и Персов с юга, по отношению к Палестине и, покорив Вавилонян, освободил евреев. Но взор пророка провидел избавление еще от другого рабства – греховного рабства всего рода человеческого в его обновлении. По объяснению блаж. Феодорита, Аввакум сими словами «предвозвещает вочеловечение Бога и Спасителя нашего, совершившееся в Вифлееме, который лежит к югу от Иерусалима». Св. Церковь , под горою приосененною, разумеет Божию Матерь, как бы некую гору добродетелей, осененную Святым Духом. «Гору Тя благодатию Божиею приосененную прозорливыма Аввакум усмотив очима», – воспевает Церковь в каноне, – «из Тебе изыти Израилеву провозглашаше Святому, во спасение наше и исправление». «Христос грядый явственно Бог наш, приидет и не закоснит, от горы присосененныя чащи, отроковицы раждащия неискусомужныя, пророк древле глаголет» (4-я песнь канона в неделю Ваий). «Христе от Девы прозябл еси, из горы хвальный, приосененныя чащи» (4 песнь на Рож. Хр). Вообще, в основание 4-й песни всех церковных канонов положено пророчество Аввакума о пришествии Господа во спасение людей Своих «спасти помазанныя своя». Ввиду такого ясного мессианского значения пророчества Аввакума, Церковь христианская усвоила ему наименование «Богоглаголивого». (похвальный канон, песнь 4-я, ирмос). – Вышеприведенная молитвенная песнь Аввакума служит основанием 4-й песни церковных канонов, изображающей всемогущество Бога и непостыдную надежду на него.


Остракина – город на границе Аравии, Палестины и Египта.


Кончина прор Аввакума последовала приблиэительно за 600 лет до Р. Х. По сказанию церк. историка IV века, Евсевия Кесарийского , гробницу пр. Аввакума указывали в Кеиле, или в Киле, в колене Иудином. По свидетельству церк. историка V в. Созомена , мощи сего св. пророка, по Божественному Откровению, были обретены вместе с мощами св. пророка Михея в царствование Феодосия II младшего (408– 450 г.). Тела обоих пророков указаны были Божественным сновидением Зевенву, бывшему в то время епископом церкви Елевферопольской.



lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2022

The Guadalupan Myth

Versión en español:

Although the "Virgin" of Guadalupe is best known as the patron saint of the Americas, the story of her "miraculous" appearance in Tepeyac, Mexico has its roots in the province of Extremadura, Spain. It was here that a Spaniard named Gil Cordero discovered a small Islamic image resembling the Virgin Mary on the bank of the Guadalupe River sometime in the mid-13th century. The wooden image had dark brown skin and was on top of a crescent moon, a symbol of Islam. In fact, the very name of the river "Guadalupe" had an Islamic influence, since it is derived from the Arabic word "guadale" which means "river," and "Lupo", which is Latin for Wolf. Both the image and the name of the river were the remains of the Moorish occupation of Spain. The discovery of the carved image was seen as a great sign from God, and in 1338, King Alfonso XI ordered a temple to be built on the spot where it was found. The image became known as "Our Lady of Guadalupe," and the temple was built in her honor. In order to help spread the veneration of "Our Lady," artists began painting replicas of the carving and they earned their money by selling copies of it.
In February 1495, Christopher Columbus started the transatlantic slave trade by sending 550 Native Tainos from the newly discovered American continent out of Spain. And since these strange and wild people were of the same complexion as the image of Our Lady, the King and Queen of Spain declared the Virgin "Protector of the Indians." In 1496, the native slaves were brought to the temple and baptized in honor of the Virgen del Río Lobo. The discovery of the Virgin was seen as proof that the expulsion of the Moors had been the will of the gods, and her temple quickly developed a loyal following. Among his devotees was a soldier named Hernán Cortes. Cortés was fanatically devoted to the worship of the Virgin, and carried an image of her on his flag, taking it with him wherever he went. In 1519, Cortés invaded Ana Wak, bringing the image of La Virgen with him to the New World. The Italian historian Lorenzo Boturini described the flag as follows: "A beautiful image of the Virgin Mary was painted on it. She wore a gold crown and was surrounded by 12 gold stars. She had her hands folded in prayer, asking his son to protect and give strength to the Spanish so they could conquer and Christianize the pagans." It was the flag of Cortés that served as the "official" flag of the Spanish until the first Spaniards began to arrive. How Cortés and his men carried out constructions in the Indigenous places of study, of papist churches on their ruins.

In 1520, the Spanish destroyed the Tonantzin temple in Tepeyac and in its place planted another temple glorifying the Virgin of Guadalupe - A reproduction of Cortés' banner was created and hung inside. The Spanish thought that they could easily replace the symbol of the earth (Tonantzin Koatlikwe) with the Mother of God.

On August 13, 1521 Mexico-Tenochtitlan fell to the invading forces. The genocide that followed was carried out under the pretext of religious conversion. The ancestors were given two choices: they could accept the new religion of the Spanish or face a death that went unnoticed for nearly a century, but when Father Sanchez's book came out, the story of the "miracle" spread rapidly and grew embedded. in the consciousness of Mexicans. The Church in Tepeyacac ​​would not be poor again. As the years passed, the Marcos Zipactli painting became badly deteriorated by mold and exposure to the elements. In 1751, Archbishop Rubio commissioned the famous painter Miguel Cabrera, a fanatical Catholic, to touch up the painting. In order to consolidate the idea that the image was a miracle, Cabrera published a book in 1756 entitled "American Marvel." But not everyone was convinced of Cabrera's lofty claims, and in 1787, José Ignacio Bartolache took it upon himself to examine the "miracle" of the image. Aided by a group of specialized painters, Bartolache discovered that the image had been "much retouched and covered in spots and that in some places it is crumbling due to the effect of fungus and humidity." In addition to this, the group came to the conclusion that the divine image was:

1. The work of more than one artist.

2. It was not made in maguey cloth, but in a blanket of fine palm

3. Glued to a wooden frame 4. Badly deteriorated

Bartolache was not the only one who doubted the divine origin of the image. In 1883, Joaquín García Icazbalceta was directed by Archbishop Labastida to investigate the matter. After an intense and meticulous examination of the tilma, Icazbalceta admitted that the image was actually a fraud. In his report to the Archbishop, Icazbalceta stated that "With all my heart, I hoped that this miracle which would prove to be a great honor for my country would turn out to be true, but it does not seem to me that it is. If we are forced to believe and proclaim the miracles that have occurred, we are also prohibited from publishing their falsehood." By the way, after Izcalbacet died, the Roman Church had a Jesuit historian write a book to refute what Izcalbacet had written. The result was the "Historical Album of the Virgin of Guadalupe", which had 25 worthless, unprovable and lengthy already discredited "proofs" of apparitions of the Virgin. Among the "evidence" presented in the album were different stories describing the event, and dates that do not match the events described. In 1895 the tilma was deteriorated beyond repair and Father Antonio Plancarte ordered it replaced with a new one. In Plancarte's statement can be read in the December 3, 1895 issue of El Universal. However, when the new image was put into place, the priests made a startling discovery - the artists had completely omitted the crown that rested on the head of "The Virgin"! In an attempt to cover up this mistake, the church declared that the crown had miraculously disappeared, and those faithful to the image actually believed it.

This total the sordid event was recorded in great detail in the book "Echoes of Oblivion", which was published in 1900 by Bishop Sánchez Camacho. In 1928 the new, crownless version of the image was examined by the great painter and Mexicanist Dr. Atl . Dr. Atl concluded that the image was definitely not made of maguey fiber as claimed, and went on to add that "The painting of Guadalupe is a parody of her image that is in Fuenterrabla Spain, which in turn is a parody of Byzantine images of decadence. The Virgin of Guadalupe is a purely decorative work, executed by a person with mediocre images." Despite all the historical documentation (not to mention common sense) that clearly illustrates how the Guadalupe hoax was removed, millions of devout Mexicans still pray to her image and dedicate themselves to her cult. But what possible evidence do they have that the image of the Virgin is authentic?

Well, the most often cited "evidence" of the Virgin's apparition is referred to as the "Valeriano Relation", or the Nikan Mopohua as it is often called. This document, supposedly written in Nahuatl by Antonio Valeriano in the mid-1500s, should serve as an official confirmation of the miracle at Tepeyacac. But let's take a look at the claims made by this piece of "evidence."

In the first place, the Nikan Mopohua begins by stating that Juan Diego was going to the parish in Tlatelolco to receive the sacraments and find a priest to confess his sick uncle before he died. It should be noted that sacraments, such as confession and communion, were not granted to indigenous people until the 1540s - since Mexicans were not thought to be human and possibly did not have souls. Not only that, but Tlatelolco did not have a parish until 1572! In fact, not even Father Sahagún's "Historia general de las cosas de la Nueva España", which was written starting from Tatelolco, makes any mention of the virgin apparitions! There is not a single written document available from 1531 to 1648 that has a single record of Juan Diego or the supposed miracle! Spaniards such as Bernal Díaz del Castillo, Diego de Durán, Bernardino de Sahagún, Bartolomé de las Casas, Hernán Cortés, and even Zumárraga himself never mention the apparition at Tepeyacac.

This sounds strange considering how important the apparition would have been to the Catholic invaders. Another error in the Nican Nican worth mentioning is that the document reports events that occurred long after Antonio Valeriano died in 1605. This makes it impossible for Valeriano to have written the things for which he has been credited. And if this wasn't bad enough, the original Nican Mapohua document has never been shown to have existed at all. The only "evidence" of the existing original documents is a supposed copy of the manuscript published in 1649 by Luis Lasso de la Vega. But this copy, the "Huey Tlanahuikoltika," is nothing less than a Nauatl translation of the book written by Father Miguel Sánchez in 1648 - another bona fide fraud! But despite the painfully obvious truth, "La Virgen de Guadalupe" remains one of the most recognizable and revered symbols of Mexico. Literally millions of our people converge on the Tepeyacac ​​Basilica to waste their time, energy, money and resources in the hope that "La Virgen" will grant them eternal peace. But not all Mexicans are quick to bow down to the false image, and even some high-ranking Catholic officials are questioning the divine origin of the tilma. In 1996, William Schulenberg was overthrown by the Vatican after serving as Abott of the Basilica for 33 years. Schulenberg believes that the creation of the myth of The Virgin was justified, since it won an entire nation for the Catholic religion. His real crime, however, was doubting the existence of Juan Diego, and knowing the truth behind "The Virgin."

Bibliography: Trial of Spain - Xokonoschtlet The Guadalupan Myth - Rius Nikan Mopohua Echoes of Olvido - Bishop Sánchez Camacho American Marvel - Miguel Cabrera – Original titled “The Myth of La Virgen de Guadalupe” – Translated for – Guatemala, December 2010

The Virgin of Guadalupe is as divine as a Daffy Duck postcard stuck to a lunch box. This image, which has millions of people plunged into idolatry, is not immune to criticism, since the so-called "Guadalupan believers" are not very reserved when imposing their vision of the world on others. It is true that having criteria in a world of religion is difficult, except when the religious are largely tolerant, although I do not intend to offend anyone, I will show verifiable facts that are proof by themselves of the inconsistencies of the Guadalupano miracle. But let's cut the roll and show the tests: Test 1: The Virgin of Guadalupe was not called Guadalupe As we saw in the article: Virgin of Guadalupe: Two images that definitively deny "The Miracle", the Mexican Virgin of Guadalupe is actually a copy of the Virgen del Coro de Extremadura, part of the Spanish cult of the "Virgin of Guadalupe de Cáceres" in Extremadura, where we can see the statue on which the painting is based, much earlier than 1531.

The Virgin of Extremadura, which is usually represented as a "brown virgin", has its origins at the end of the Islamic invasion of Spain in the 7th century. This is the statue supposedly found in the 7th century:

The typical story of the appearance and the request for the construction of a church that allowed the expansion of the church's properties for two millennia, whose basic function was the sale of documents related to the forgiveness of sins, alms and other economic benefits that highly percentage filled the coffers of the Vatican.

The main goal of the appearances of the Virgin Mary throughout time was to replace the gods of conquered civilizations, the same premise pursued by the saints whose role has been to replace the polytheistic cult. The very origin of the Virgin Mary appears to replace the worship of the goddess Isis that spread throughout the Mediterranean and Anatolia, reaching Rome with force.

It is supposed that it was donated by Pope Gregory I the Great, who was then Bishop of Seville, the figure was hidden at the beginning of the "Moorish" invasion of Spain in 711, being lost for hundreds of years and then being rescued by a humble shepherd who acted under “heavenly influence” in 1326, found near the Guadalupe River in the Spanish province of Cáceres.

Meaning of Guadalupe
The figure is a representation of the Virgin Mary, named Guadalupe in reference not to the name, but to the region where she was found, in this case, the banks of the Guadalupe River, whose name means Hidden River in Arabic.

Brown Skin
The brown skin of the virgin is apparently due to discoloration of the wood due to humidity or simply due to the coating on the wood that has discolored to a dark color over time. All I want is a chapel The shepherd named Gil Cordero related that while he was looking for a lost cow, a radiant Lady emerged from the bushes. After indicating the place to dig to unearth the treasure, she asked that a chapel be built for her... how original.

Exhibit 2: Christopher Columbus
On his second trip to what would later be defined as "The Americas", let us remember that the discovery was attributed to a fraudster named Américo Vespucio, in 1493, on November 14, the island that Columbus would name "Guadalupe" would be discovered, the name is in honor of the Virgin of Extremadura.
It is said that Christopher Columbus prayed in the sanctuary of Guadalupe before carrying out his historic expedition, and upon discovering Karukera Island on November 4, 1493, he changed the name to Guadalupe in honor of the patron saint of Cáceres. Since 1635, the Island of Guadalupe has been a French colony. As we can see, the concept of Guadalupe was already around even before arriving in Mexico, if such a virgin were a divine fact, why then, would she appear as in the European traditions and not in the indigenous ones or those typical of Israel of the 1st century?

Exhibit 3: The missing crown of the Virgin of Guadalupe; The priest Hidalgo and his banner This is the current conception of the Virgin of Guadalupe of Mexico, note that it is an artistic representation of the current one, which shows the vision of the people in our country, not the "divine" painting that has a rarity, technically speaking:

As you can see in the image above, the head of the Virgin of Guadalupe is covered by her cape and the top of her head is surrounded by rays. In the lower image, the upper segment of the painting, supposedly divine, until before 1980 is hidden by the frame that currently shows a great retouching, the tilma is supposed to measure 1.72 cm, why then only show less than 1.47 cm that occupies the painting?

Once it was restored in the 1990s, note that unlike the bright and worn part of the hood, the upper part is a solid-colored paste with a rectangular shape at the junction of the zones:

Here you can see better that the entire head cap has a rectangular pattern, which if you see in the previous image looks blurred, a problem caused because the retouching settled poorly in the paint and was absorbed as it would be with a water-based paint:

Notice the changes of color in the area:

The recent return of the banner of Ignacio Allende by Spain to Mexico and another on loan, shows us another reproduction of the authentic version of the Virgin of Guadalupe, wearing the crown:

Old paintings showing the same singularity, where we can appreciate the drop shape, as if it were a fruit:

Hidalgo's banner
On September 16, 1810, when the insurgents arrived in the town of Atotonilco, the priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, who led them, took a replica of the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe that was in the sacristy of the sanctuary and placed it in hands of his improvised soldiers, to carry it as a banner in front of the people who followed him. The drawn virgin was a reproduction long before the time when part of the painting of the virgin was hidden, in which the original form could be seen, later Allende would make his own reproduction:

The Crown of the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary
The crown is the proof that shows in an obvious way that the virgin is painted by human hands, which is why it had to be hidden. What did a European-style crown have to do in a Marian apparition to indigenous people?, when it was not a symbol of pre-Hispanic royalty? Worse still, what is a crown doing that refers to the popular Saint Brigida of Sweden from the 13th century, with her Crown of Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary?

The Roses
This section is wrong, it has been removed, because in the first edition there was a confusion that I did not edit and I deleted due to forgetfulness in the final revision, thanks for clarifying it Anonymous. Book: "Cistiana Rule" by Fray Juan de Zumarraga For 1547, a year before his death, Fray Juan de Zumarraga, finished one of his books: Regla Cristiana, where he asked an absurd question for someone who experienced a portentous miracle 16 years ago: Why don't miracles happen anymore? responding to himself: Because the Redeemer of the world thinks that they are no longer needed. purely European symbols An objective historian would have to doubt the strange presence of strongly European elements that have little to do with Mary, mother of Jesus, but a vision typical of fifteenth-century Europeans, with all the distortions that implies. Test 4: Juan Diego's height It is amazing, not to say ridiculous, that no one questions that a tilma measuring 172 cm by 103 cm wide, which represents the front of Juan Diego's clothing, could be worn by an indigenous person, which at that time was not likely. that he measured more than 1.60 meters, even now it is rare to see indigenous people who are over 1.70 meters. It was also too big for the width of his body, which should not have exceeded 50 cm. It is assumed that the smock that she wore as a dress in the "miracle story" was like a gown that covered the front and back, so there must have been a blank area corresponding to the back area, did they cut it out?

A 160 cm tall person could only wear a 1 meter high x 1 meter wide Ayate that would cover from the base of the neck to the ankles, although it should be much shorter, but it is likely that an indigenous person like Juan Diego was smaller and with a thin waist. If we add the missing 72 cm, Juan Diego's height would be in the order of 2.30 and 2.40 meters in height, unless he was a prodigious Nordic, that height would be unlikely, in addition to the fact that the width of his body would be between 100 cm representing the front.
Exhibit 5: This is linen, this Ayate Everyone says that the virgin was made in Ayate, according to the study ordered by Guillermo Schulenburg, former abbot of the Basilica of Guadalupe, it is made of materials more suitable for painting, such as linen. Schulenburg was thrown out the back door when he refused to recommend and opposed Juan Diego's beatification process in 1996. The former abbot, who died in 2009, stated "Diego is a symbol, not a reality." This is Ayate: It degrades quickly due to environmental agents, insects, bacteria and fungi that destroy its fibers. Although it is very strong, it is not suitable due to the separation of its fibers to paint over:

This is Linen: It lasts a long time, even hundreds of years and its fibers are very close:

The painting of the Virgin -the white base can clearly be seen- and the closed fabric

If you believe that my purpose in life is to take away your beliefs, you are very wrong, I doubt that any scientific, historical or logical proof can do it, because "Faith" is an irrational fact, a belief, an unfounded expectation. I only give simple samples of how easy it is to find arguments against, behind the supposed divine origins of many Marian apparitions, science and logic show the cruel and objective side of things. Reality is a bucket of cold water that is received naked, you decide whether to get wet or stay dirty, objectivity is incompatible with religion. But as Cipher would say in The Matrix: Ignorance is bliss. One of the most shameful frauds perpetrated by our most holy male leaders of the Mexican Catholic Church is that of the Virgin of Guadalupe. The fraud began a few years after the Spanish conquest, apparently as a way to substitute the worship of the goddess Tonantzin for that of the mother of the son of God. One of the shrines of said Mother Goddess was located on the Tepeyac hill, where the Indians came from distant regions. It is no coincidence that the chapel of the Virgin of Guadalupe and her image were erected right there, which for decades was considered only as a painting that worked miracles.
The most shameful thing begins about a hundred years after the supposed apparition, precisely with the spread of the legend of the apparition of the Virgin to the Indian Juan Diego and the miraculous formation of the image on his tilma. This was followed by various manipulations to the simple original painting to make it more glorious. Alterations that the Mexican Catholic Church recognizes today because they are falling apart. 
Many are those who participated in exalting the myth. Some collaborated in good faith, with their ignorance, their naivety, or their lack of rigor in demanding proof. Others participated with their silence knowing the monumental deception. Others, moved by pity and with the healthy desire to magnify the faith of an orphaned people, simply added details to the painting to perfect the forgery. And finally there are those who investigated and knowingly, instead of correcting the error or at least leaving it as it was, they finished cooking up the fraud, adding titles to the Virgin and canonizing the non-existent Indian Juan Diego. We must also acknowledge the few who dared to oppose and question the myth, sometimes at the cost of their reputation and position.
 - The original Virgin of Guadalupe is originally from Extremadura. Hernán Cortez and many of his soldiers were from Extremadura. One of them brought an image of the said virgin with everything and frame, which he had to leave in the field for being injured in the famous flight of the sad night. 
- The Spanish Virgin of Guadalupe supposedly appeared in the Sierra de Guadalupe just over two hundred years before the Mexican (1322). Curiously, the Spanish legend is extremely similar to the Mexican one. The Virgin appears on the hill to a humble shepherd and asks him to build a church right there. The pastor takes the request to the clergy, who ignore him. The apparition and the request are repeated. A son of the shepherd boy is resurrected after being left for dead. The clerics go to the place of the apparition with the shepherd and find a hidden sculpture of the virgin, "sculpted without human intervention". They build the sanctuary and the virgin is also known as "morenita de las Villuercas" (nearby town) because the wooden image is brown. The first document that recounts the legend of the apparition of the virgin and the sculpture is from 118 years after the supposed apparition (in 1440).
- In his multiple accounts, archives and letters, the first bishop of Mexico - supposedly the main eyewitness of the miraculous appearance of the image of Guadalupe in Juan Diego's cloak - does not mention Juan Diego or the miracle or the miraculous virgin or He doesn't even give a hint that he's ever heard of them. 
- Curiously, there is a sermon by Zumarraga (after the supposed apparition) that speaks of the fact that there are no miracles in his time, nor are they necessary to believe in Christ.
- There are documents that prove that the image of Guadalupe and the chapel of Tepeyac existed since before 1556 and the Indians considered the image "miraculous", in the sense that it performed miracles. But there is no mention of the apparition, nor of the Indian Juan Diego, nor the supernatural representation of the image. 
 - Zumarraga's successor, Bishop Fray Alonso de Montufar in a sermon (1556) adds to the rumors that the Virgin performs miracles to attract greater devotion from the Indians towards her. Which brings him severe criticism from the Franciscans, enemies of idolatry. 
- Fray Antonio de Huete (1556) asks the archbishop to at least stop calling her Our Lady of Guadalupe, but Tepeaca (Tepeyac), since in Spain there was already a virgin with that name because of the place that was called that (Guadalupe ). 
- Fray Francisco de Bustamante (1556) says in a sermon that "to tell the natives that an image painted yesterday by the Indian named Marcos (Marcos Cipac de Aquino) worked miracles, was to sow great confusion". 
- Archbishop Montufar (1556) orders it to be said through paid witnesses: "that no reverence be made to the canvas, or paint, or sticks of the images, but to the images for what they represent", a curious way of calling the product so mighty miracle. - Fray Bernardino de Sahagún (1570) calls the adoration of the Virgin of Guadalupe a satanic invention to hide idolatry, which only disguises the adoration of the goddess Tonantzin, "as the Indians also call Our Lady of Guadalupe."
 - In 1574, an inspection of the monastery of Guadalupe de Extremadura falls on the hermitage for the matter of alms that the Guadalupana de México house had to deliver to the Matrix house in Extremadura. Something like the rights of use (royalties) of the original image.
- A century later, some documents begin to mention the Guadalupano miracle. Few give the date 1531 as the year of the miracle, several give the year 1555 and 1556. 
- In 1648 the preacher Miguel Sánchez published a book with the story that gives its current form to the Guadalupana legend. It is there where all the details that we now know are given. 
- The first person surprised by the story of Miguel Sánchez is the vicar of the Guadalupe chapel, Luis Lasso de la Vega, who is in charge of the chapel and the image of Guadalupe and was ignorant of everything about the portentous print of the Virgin of Tepeyac before to read Sánchez, as he himself writes. 
- The vicar Lasso in a pious outburst decides to adapt the difficult text to a simple language and translates it into Nahuatl. This story is known as "Nican mopohua..." and is considered by many to be the greatest evidence of the Guadalupano miracle.
- In 1675 Luis Becerra Tanco, who investigates the miracle, writes that he regrets not having found any document in the archives that speaks of such an outstanding prodigy. Therefore, he feels compelled to write a book that corrects the omission and avoids oblivion. With a stroke of the pen he passes Juan Diego from living in Cuautitlán and puts him to live in Tulpetlac so that on his way to Tlatelolco he will have Tepeyac on the way.
- In the middle of the 18th century, Lorenzo Boturini tries to obtain authorization to crown the Virgin of Guadalupe. Does not achieve it. 
- At the end of the 19th century, everything seemed to indicate that the virgin would finally be crowned, but an obstacle arose. The virgin already had a crown. A crown with spikes and it could not be crowned if it had already been crowned by heaven itself. 
 - All the painters of the three previous centuries portray her with a crown. Historians and the Nican Mopohua also testify that the virgin did have a crown. 
- The crown miraculously disappeared on January 20, 1887. Rumor has it that the painter Pina and the abbot of the Basilica of Guadalupe had erased it. 
- The painters Gonzalo Carrasco and Bartolomé Pina certify in a notarial deed of 1895 that the image never had a crown. 
- In 1895 as a result of the festivities for the coronation of the Virgin, the Bishop of Tamaulipas, Monsignor Eduardo Sánchez, resigned from his diocese for considering the Guadalupan cult as an abuse against a credulous and ignorant people.
 - At the end of the last century, Monsignor Guillermo Schulenburg, abbot of the Basilica of Guadalupe, denied the real existence of Juan Diego and cost him his position. 
- A few years later, Pope John Paul II canonized Blessed Juan Diego. Where is the dogma of the infallibility of the pope if he has canonized a man who only exists in popular imagination?
- Although it is in very poor condition and many pieces of the painting's details have fallen apart, there is talk of the miraculous preservation of the image. 
- Given the obvious damage that the image has suffered, the church was forced to acknowledge that the angel, the moon, the embroidery, the stars, the golden rays, the neck brooch, the black bow were added to the original image , the ermine of the sleeves and the orange clouds. "This is all human work, albeit pious," says Gonzalez de Alba. 
- Attention is drawn to the black moon in the waning quarter at the feet of the Virgin, a symbol of Islam. It was originally silver, but since they used silver nitrate it soon turned black. It is not known if the symbol is of integration with the Moorish culture or if the virgin is trampling on the moon of Islam as a symbol of superiority. And this common symbol for the Iberians of the time is completely alien to Mexicans. 
- The worst damage was to the hands: "The hands were retouched to shorten the fingers and convert the originally formed slender-fingered hands into shorter indigenous fingers." Other crude alterations are the angel with disproportionate hands, a meaningless black stripe coming out of the angel's left hand, the golden stars that sometimes invade the black border of the cloak, the embroidery that does not follow the folds of the tunic, the rays gold leaf and cloud background. Even an Aztec hieroglyph known as a "tilma fold" was added, used to indicate the tilmas of a tribute. 
- With the infrared photography taken with the permission of the church and thanks to the multiple errors of the inexperienced painters who altered the image, it was possible to know what was added and in what order. In infrared light, the crown of peaks obliterated a little over a century ago appeared partially.
- Removing all the "small" additions, restorations and erasures that were made to it, the original Guadalupan image remains, this one of inexplicable origin: "the beautiful face of the Virgin, the pink tunic without the embroidery, the blue mantle without the stars and perhaps a primitive glow." 
- To all this it should be mentioned that the pigments that make up the original image have not been recognized. Not because of a lack of desire or technology, but because of a lack of authorization from the church authorities, who for more than 40 years have not allowed any investigator to touch it. 
- Another mystery is why such a coarse fabric was chosen to make the painting. González de Alba ventures to speculate on a possible explanation: the first image could have been made of flowers and supported on the coarse fabric. The image could well be that of the Extremaduran virgin of the conquerors. Images of flowers were common at that time. The flowers withered and left a stain like the flashes of moisture that appear today due to natural phenomena. A skilled painter, Marcos Cipac de Aquino, gave the details to the face, the hands, the pink tunic and the blue cloak, taking advantage of the beautiful stain formed. That would be the image of unexplained origin. The phenomenon of adding details was repeated several times over the years and centuries by less skilled hands and with less durable materials. All this happened by the will of God and for the benefit of the Indians and the Mexican nation.
 - The religious fervor of some believers and a faith that is proof of any evidence to the contrary has made them continue to meet and when not, fabricate new evidence of the Guadalupan miracle. 
- From a small drawing of the miracle, the virgin, Juan Diego and the Tilma, made with paper and ink of the time with the signature of Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, the most fervent enemy of Guadalupana idolatry that the believing "investigators" have used to redeem Fray Bernardino from his lack of faith. Forgery that would make the friar roll over in his grave. 
- The little white spots that can be seen in the magnified photo of the virgin's eyes, in which only very pious eyes full of blinding fervor can see human figures. In them they even recognize Fray Juan de Zumarraga. The photos can be seen in the same basilica in the corridor below the image of Guadalupana. 
- Not even to mention the badly drawn stars of the mantle of the virgin in which "astronomers" have recognized the stellar pattern exactly as it would be seen at the time of the apparition. 
- An email is circulating on the internet that ensures that the analysis of the image discovered that it is not in the tilma, but 4 millimeters in front of it, miraculously floating in the air. 
 - Images of the Virgin of Guadalupe continue to appear on the sidewalks, walls, griddles, fallen trees, on the marble of a subway station and even in the glow of used underpants.
Aztec Pagan Goddess Tonantzin - La Guadalupe
The 20 Guadalupan myths where the writer and historian Juan Miguel Zunzunegui (twitter @JMZunzu) tells us that "the miracle of Tepeyac" never existed, and it is duly documented and evidenced as the friars of New Spain confirm that this supposed apparition never existed and had the objective of manipulating the indigenous peoples in a political rather than religious way at that time when paganism and social-economic policy reigned in the ancient Aztec empire. 
1. Since before the arrival of Cortés, Tepeyac was already a pilgrimage center to venerate the goddess Tonantzin, mother of the gods. 
2. From the s. XIV already existed in Extremadura a Virgin of Guadalupe, of which Don Hernan Cortés was devoted, that is why he took her image to America. 
3. When Cortés took Tenochtitlan, he demolished the idols of the Templo Mayor and put up a cross and the image of the Virgin of Extremadura de Guadalupe. 
4. In 1531 Zumárraga was not in New Spain as he had to travel to Europe to be anointed bishop. He never had a temple built on Tepeyac. 
5. In all of Zumárraga's letters, memoirs, and writings, he never mentions Juan Diego, the apparitions, Tepeyac, or the Virgin. 
 6. NASA never investigated the image, it is a myth that the Basilica itself has helped propagate. NASA studies ASTROPHYSICS, not miracles. 
7. Schulenburg, abbot of the Basilica for 33 years, always made it clear that these NASA investigations were a myth and were never carried out. 
 8. In investigations made, from the s. XVII to the XX, the pigments of the paintings and the fiber of the canvas have been identified.

9. CHRONICLES OF THE TIME: BERNAL DÍAZ DEL CASTILLO, BERNARDINO DE SAHAGÚN, DIEGO DE DURÁN, NO ONE MENTIONS THEM THE APPARITIONS. CULTURAL DATA, in fact Bernadino de Sahagún said that Guadalupanism was satanic, because it was a cult of Tonantzin. 
11. THE CURRENT PAINTING IS NOT THE ORIGINAL, AS IT WAS CHANGED IN THE 19TH CENTURY. THE ORIGINAL WAS PAINTED BY THE INDIAN MARCOS CIPACTLI. Now we go with some phrases, such as the declarations of Fray Francisco Bustamante, Franciscan prior in 1556. 
In this regard, the bishop of Tamaulipas spoke out against the apparitions..., here are some phrases. 
 17. EDUARDO SÁNCHEZ: I AM NEVER MORE SURE LIKE TODAY OF THE DECEPTION AND EXPLOITATION THAT MY PEOPLE SUFFER BECAUSE OF THE GUADALUPANA FARCE. and remember that there was a failed attempt to canonize Juan Diego in 1982, promoted by Corripio Ahumada, at the time the Vatican ANSWERED... 
20. The legend of the apparitions to Juan Diego is identical to the legend of the apparitions of the Virgin in Extremadura. I also leave you 7 slides left by the writer and historian Juan Miguel Zunzunegui that tell us more about this millennial lie.









viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2022

Митрополит Виталий: Единое на Потребу (Святой Луки 10:42)

Священное Писание - книга вечной жизни, книга космического размера, потому что она до времени и во времени, доисторическая и историческая. В этой книге заложены все решения для всех народов, для всех поколений. Эта книга должна быть настольной книгой не только для всех христиан, но главным образом всех руководителей, всех глав правительств государств мира.

В ней заключены нормы жизни, как надо себя вести и как нельзя себя вести. Нет ни одного вопроса, ни одной мировой проблемы, всех времен и каждого века, на которое Священное писание не дало бы ясное, четкое своё суждение.

И теперь, когда мы все, русские люди, в особенности на нашей несчастной Родине, ищем выхода из создавшегося тупика, политического, экономического и главным образом духовного, нам надо обратиться к Священному Писанию, чтобы иметь ясное представление, где мы, куда нам идьти и что делать.

Рассмотрим бегло периоды истории человечества.

Итак, первый род человеческий, уже повреждённый падением Адама и Евы, размножился по всей Земле и, будучи цельным организмом, очень скоро превратился в игрушку сатаны, который довёл этот первый род человеческий до невообразимого состояния разврата, разгула и полного растления, неописуемого падения. Господь, взирая на этот первый мир, видел, что он не достоин ни только жить, но даже просто дышать. и Господь погрузил его во всемирном потопе.

От оставшегося праведного Ноя зародился второй мир человеческий, который до сего дня и существует.

Для того,чтобы с ним не произошло той же трагедии, как и с первым миром, Господь в своей бесконечной божественной премудрости, разделил весь род человеческий на языки.

Другими словами, чтобы нам это было бы более понятно, человечество - как корабль, который в наше время разделён на отсеки, дабы не потонул от одной пробоины. Вода заполняет только один отсек с пробоиной - и корабль, немного погрузившись, идёт дальше к своей цели.

Вот что сотворил Господь со вторым родом человеческим.

Теперь дьяволу уже не так просто впрыснуть в род человеческий свой яд, который беспрепятственно бы разлился по всему человечеству.

Род человеческий получил величайший дар языка. Каждый народ имеет свой язык.Теперь на земном шаре существуют тысячи языков. А от языка происходит вся культура, все его обычаи, традиции, кончая костюмом и пищею. Всё у него своё особое.

Господь поставил каждый народ через дар языка в школу любви, призвав его к творчеству. Ибо каждый человек с самого своего младенчества уже смотрит и видит ту картину, которую он никогда не забудет. Он всегда будет любить свою церковку, свою деревню, свой город или свою улицу. Он будет любить свою речку, свой лес. Это и есть школа любви. Ибо человек, который научится любить своё, будет способен полюбить и чужое,и другой народ.

Вот промысел Божий для всего рода человеческого.

Перед дьяволом, источником всякого зла, стоит теперь задача снова вернуть весь род человеческий к Вавилону.

Суть этого Вавилона - уничтожить семейные очаги, где возможно упразднить саму частную собственность, в особенности родной дом, в котором рождается человек и умирает; в котором всё мило его сердцу, где помнится всякая царапина, всякая норка мышиная. А вместо этого расселить всех по квартирам в небоскрёбы, в которых все восемьсот квартир до скуки одинаковы.

Он, сатана - это древнее зло, вдохновляет людей, не защищённых благодатью Святаго Духа, строить дома кубические, без малейшего архитектурного воображения; заставляет людей слушать в какафонии или в декакафонии что-то особое, щекотливое, одурманивающее, и этой музыкой вызывать у людей самые низкие ощущения и инстинкты. Эта всеобщая уравниловка, безвкусица коснулась даже нашей пищи, в которой царит индустриальная, массовой продукции пища.

Вот почему всякий интернационал, первый, второй, третий, всякий экуменизм и социализм не от Бога.

Вот откуда происходит ненависть ко всему Божьему, к самой красоте. На фоне всего сказанного обратимся теперь к трагедии нашего Великого Русского народа и как с помощью Священного Писания мы можем выйти из этого ужасного тупика. Что же нам делать?

Существует уже явная русофобия.

Причём она существует не только на равнинах нашей Родины, но и заграницей.

Почему нет италофобии, франкофобии, англофобии, а только русофобия? В чём суть русофобии?

Это почти всеобщая, прикрытая ненависть ко Христу, пребывающему в сердце русского народа. Нам, кажется, что почти ни одному народу не удалось так глубоко воспринять Святое Православие. Дух истинной Церкви Христовой вошёл ао асе извилины нашей культуры. НАСТОЯЩИЙ РУССКИЙ ЧЕЛОВЕК - православный, не только в церкви, но и на улице, и повсюду, где он живёт, трудится, думает и чувствует.

Вот к чему обращена эта ненависть - ко Христу.

Тут не русофобия, а христофобия, наглая, дерзкая, липкая и упорная. С точки зрения земной, логической, человеческой - русский народ поставлен в безвыходное положение. И это не без промысла Божия... Пора видимо нам весь свой взор обратить к небу и у одного Господа просить прощения и помощи.

'Заступи, спаси, помилуй и сохрани нас Боже, Твоею благодатию'. Аз, как Первоиерарх Русской Православной Зарубежной Церкви, взываю ко всем русским людям и предлагаю следующее: вернуться к Церкви, очиститься от язычества в нашем быту, любить свою Родину, свою культуру, свои обычаи, не обращая никакого внимания на клевету, которая непременно обрушится на вас. Нас будут называть мракобесами, фашистами, нацистами. Все могут любить свою Родину, но мы, по мнению врагов наших, этого делать не имеем права.

Просите у Господа помощи, и если господь в Ветхом Завете защитил Свой избранный народ, который нёс в своих недрах предков Божией матери (из Нея же родился по плоти наш Спаситель), послав ангела Своего, который усыпил вечным сном 170 000 ассирийских воинов, то Господь и в наши дни силён сокрушить врагов православного русского народа, отняв у них сердце ко злу.

Господь есть повелитель сердец человеческих. Когда две армии встречаются и готовы к сражению, всегда побеждает армия та, которой Господь даёт сердце к победе. Поражённая же армия та, у которой Господь отнимает сердце к победе. Вот где кроется сущность всякого успеха человеческого на земле. Однако надо быть достойным такой Божией победы и никого не осуждать, перестать ненавидеть, ибо мы сами полны грехов, страстей и всякой неправды.

Выпрямись русский человек, отбрось всякий страх, перекрестись широким крестом и часто крестись, утром и вечером и где возможно, с молитвой: 'Боже прости меня, Боже помилуй меня!'.

И Господь услышит наш к нему вопль.

Только в этом я вижу единственное наше упование и спасение.

'С нами Бог, разумейте языцы (язычники) и покаряйтеся, яко с нами Бог!'.


Митрополит Виталий (Устинов).
Слово сказанное на съезде духовенства в Кливленде во вторник 23 сент./ 6 окт. 1992 г.

Metropolitan Vitaly: Yet one thing is necessary (St. Luke 10:42) - Metropolitano Vitaly: Empero una cosa es necesaria (San Lucas 10:42)


The Holy Scriptures are the book of eternal life, a book of cosmic dimensions because it is prior to time and in time, prehistoric and historical. It is the book that contains all the solutions for all peoples, for all generations. Book that should be the header, not only of all Christians, but in particular, of all leaders, of government authorities of all countries in the world. 

The Bible contains rules of life, how we should behave and what we should not do. There is no universal question or problem, of all times and of all centuries, on which the Holy Scriptures do not provide a clear and precise answer. 

And now, when all of us Russians, especially in our long-suffering Homeland, are looking for a way out of the prevailing impasse - political, economic, and mainly spiritual - we must turn to the Holy Scriptures to get a clear idea of ​​where we are, at Where should we go and what should we do.

Let us briefly analyze the periods of human history. The first generation of humanity, already damaged by the fall of Adam and Eve, multiplied throughout the earth and, being an integral organism, very quickly became Satan's toy, which led this first generation of humanity to an incredible state of depravity, debauchery and total corruption, an indescribable fall. Seeing this first world, the Lord understood that humanity was not worthy of living or breathing alone. And then God plunged her into the Universal Flood. 

From Noah, the only righteous man left, the second human generation was reestablished, which is the one that exists to this day. So that the same tragedy that the first human race suffered does not happen again, God, in his infinite divine wisdom, divided all humanity into different peoples with different languages. 

In other words, so that we can understand it better, humanity is like a ship that is currently divided into compartments, so that it does not sink due to an accident that causes a hole in it. Water like this can fill only one damaged compartment and the ship, having sunk a little, continues to sail towards its goal.

This is what God did with the second human generation. 

Now it is no longer so easy for the devil to inject people with his poison, so that it can easily spread to all of humanity. 

The human race received the great gift of speech. Each town has its language. There are thousands of languages ​​in the world. And from the language comes all the culture, customs, traditions, and even the clothes and food. Each town has its peculiarities. 

Through the gift of speech, God placed each people in the school of love and called them to creativity. From their earliest childhood each person looks and sees an image that they will never forget. He will always love his church, his town, his city or his street. He will love his river and his forest. That is the school of love. Because the man who learns to love what is his, will later be able to love what belongs to another, to another people. 

This is Divine Providence for all humanity. 

The devil, source of all evil, has the task of returning all mankind to the state of ancient Babylon.

The essence of that Babylon is to destroy family homes, where possible, it will abolish private property itself, especially the home in which a person is born and dies; in which everything is sweet to your heart, in which every scratch, every corner is remembered. And instead, it will relocate everyone to high-rise apartments, where all eight hundred apartments are boringly the same. 

Satan, the oldest evil, inspires people not protected by the grace of the Holy Spirit to build cubic houses without the slightest architectural creativity; He makes them listen in cacophony or decacophony to something special, tickling, intoxicating, and with this music he makes people evoke their lowest feelings and instincts. This general leveling, bad taste, even reached our food, in which industrial, mass-produced food reigns supreme. 

Here is the reason why all international, the first, second, third, all Ecumenism and Socialism do not come from God. This is where the hatred for everything Divine comes from, for beauty itself.

Against the background of all that has been said, let us now turn to the tragedy of our great Russian people and how, with the help of the Holy Scriptures, we can get out of this terrible impasse. What should we do? 

There is a clear Russophobia. Which exists not only on the plains of our Motherland, but also abroad. 

Why is there no Italophobia, Francophobia, Anglophobia, but only Russophobia? What is the essence of Russophobia? 

This is an almost universal disguised hatred of Christ, who dwells in the heart of the Russian people. It seems to us that hardly any nation has been able to perceive Holy Orthodoxy so deeply. The spirit of the true Church of Christ has entered into all the convolutions of our culture. A TRUE REAL RUSSIAN is Orthodox, not only in the church, but also on the street and wherever he lives, works, thinks and feels.

That is what this hatred is directed at: Christ. This is not Russophobia, but Christophobia, impudent, impudent, sticky and stubborn. 

From the earthly, logical, human point of view - the Russian people are in a no-win situation. And this did not happen without the intervention of Divine Providence... Apparently, it is time for us to turn all our eyes to Heaven and ask God for forgiveness and help. 

'Protect us, save us, have mercy on us and keep us, oh God! With Your grace'. 

I, as the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, address all Russian people and propose the following: return to the Church, purify paganism in our daily life, love our Motherland, our culture, our traditions without paying attention to it. the slightest importance to the slander that will undoubtedly befall us. They will call us obscurantists, fascists, Nazis. Everyone can love their homeland, but we, according to our enemies, have no right to do so. 

Ask God for help and, if the Lord protected his chosen people in the Old Testament who carried in his womb the ancestors of the Mother of God (from whom our Savior was born in the flesh), sending His angel who placed 170,000 Assyrian soldiers to sleep with eternal sleep, the Lord is still strong in our days to crush the enemies of the Orthodox people, taking out their hearts for evil.

The Lord is the Ruler of human hearts. When two armies meet and are ready to fight, the army to which the Lord gives the heart to win always wins. The defeated army is the one whose heart is cut out by the Lord for victory. This is where the essence of all human success on earth lies. However, we must be worthy of such a victory of God and not condemn anyone, stop hating, because we ourselves are full of sins, passions and all kinds of injustices. 

Straighten up Russian people, put aside all fear, cross yourself with a wide cross, cross yourself often, in the morning and in the evening, and whenever possible, with a prayer: 'Lord, forgive me! Lord, have mercy on me!' 

And God will hear our cry. 

Only in this do I see our only hope and salvation. 

 'God is with us, listen all peoples and submit, since God is with us!'. 


Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov). Sermon delivered at Cleveland Clergy Conference, Tuesday, Sept. 23/Oct. 6. from 1992



Las Sagradas Escrituras son el libro de la vida eterna, un libro de dimensiones cósmicas porque es anterior al tiempo y en el tiempo, prehistórico e histórico. Es el libro que contiene todas las soluciones para todos los pueblos, para todas las generaciones. Libro que debería ser de cabecera, no sólo de todos los cristianos, sino en particular, de todos los líderes, de las autoridades de los gobiernos de todos los países del mundo.

La Biblia contiene normas de vida, cómo debemos comportarnos y qué no debemos hacer. No existe pregunta ni problema universal, de todos los tiempos y de todos los siglos, sobre los cuales las Sagradas Escrituras no brinden una respuesta clara y precisa.

Y ahora, cuando todos nosotros, los rusos, en especial en nuestra sufrida Patria, buscamos una salida del callejón sin salida imperante – político, económico, y principalmente espiritual – debemos acudir a las Sagradas Escrituras para tener una clara idea de dónde estamos, a dónde debemos dirigirnos y qué debemos hacer.

Analicemos someramente los períodos de la historia de la humanidad. La primera generación de la humanidad, ya dañada por la caída de Adán y Eva, se multiplicó por toda la tierra y siendo un organismo integral, muy rápidamente se convirtió en juguete de Satanás, que llevó a esta primera generación de la humanidad a un increíble estado de depravación, desenfreno y corrupción total, una caída indescriptible. Al ver este primer mundo, el Señor entendió que la humanidad no era digna ni de vivir ni de respirar tan solo. Y entonces Dios la hundió en el Diluvio Universal.

De Noé, el único recto hombre que quedaba, se restableció la segunda generación humana, que es la que existe hasta el día de hoy. Para que no vuelva a ocurrir la misma tragedia que sufrió el primer género humano, Dios en su infinita sabiduría divina, dividió a toda la humanidad en diversos pueblos con diversas lenguas.

En otras palabras, para que lo podamos comprender mejor, la humanidad es como un barco que en este momento está dividido en compartimentos, para que no se hunda ante un accidente que le provoque un orificio. El agua así puede llenar solo un compartimento dañado y el barco, habiéndose hundido un poco, sigue navegando rumbo a su objetivo.

Esto es lo que hizo Dios con la segunda generación humana.

Ahora ya no le resulta tan fácil al diablo inyectarles a las personas su veneno, para que se propague fácilmente a toda la humanidad.

El género humano recibió el grandísimo don de la palabra. Cada pueblo tiene su lengua. Existen en el mundo miles de idiomas. Y del idioma surge toda la cultura, las costumbres, tradiciones, y hasta las vestimentas y comidas. Cada pueblo tiene sus particularidades.

A través del don de la palabra, Dios ubicó a cada pueblo en la escuela del amor y los llamó a la creatividad. Desde su más temprana infancia cada persona mira y ve una imagen que no olvidará jamás. Siempre amará su iglesia, su pueblo, su ciudad o su calle. Amará su río y su bosque. Esa es la escuela del amor. Porque el hombre que aprende a amar lo suyo, podrá luego amar lo ajeno, a otro pueblo.

Esta es la Providencia Divina para toda la humanidad.

El diablo, fuente de todo mal, tiene la tarea de volver a todo el género humano al estado de la Babilonia antigua.

La esencia de esa Babilonia es destruir los hogares familiares, donde es posible, abolirá la propiedad privada misma, especialmente el hogar en el que nace y muere una persona; en el que todo es dulce a su corazón, en el que se recuerda cada rasguño, cada rincón. Y en cambio, reubicará a todos en departamentos en rascacielos, en los que los ochocientos departamentos son aburridamente iguales.

Satanás, el mal más antiguo, inspira a las personas no protegidas por la gracia del Espíritu Santo a construir casas cúbicas sin la menor creatividad arquitectónica; les hace escuchar en cacofonía o decacofonía algo especial, cosquilleante, embriagador, y con esta música logra que las personas evoquen sus más bajos sentimientos e instintos. Esta nivelación general, el mal gusto, llegó incluso a nuestra comida, en la que reina la comida industrial, de producción masiva.

He aquí la razón por la que todo internacional, el primero, segundo, tercero, todo ecumenismo y socialismo no provienen de Dios. He aquí de dónde proviene el odio hacia todo lo Divino, a la belleza misma.

En el contexto de todo lo que se ha dicho, pasemos ahora a la tragedia de nuestro gran pueblo ruso y cómo, con la ayuda de las Sagradas Escrituras, podemos salir de este terrible callejón sin salida. ¿Qué debemos hacer?

Existe una clara rusofobia. Que existe no solo en las llanuras de nuestra Patria, sino también en el extranjero.

¿Por qué no hay italofobia, francofobia, anglofobia, sino solo rusofobia? ¿Cuál es la esencia de la rusofobia?

Este es un odio disfrazado casi universal hacia Cristo, que habita en el corazón del pueblo ruso. Nos parece que casi ninguna nación ha sido capaz de percibir tan profundamente la Santa Ortodoxia. El espíritu de la verdadera Iglesia de Cristo ha entrado en todos los ámbitos las circunvoluciones de nuestra cultura. UN VERDADERO REAL RUSO es ortodoxo, no solo en la iglesia, sino también en la calle y dondequiera que viva, trabaje, piense y sienta.

A eso se dirige este odio: a Cristo. Esto no es rusofobia, sino cristofobia, descarada, insolente, pegajosa y obstinada.

Desde el punto de vista terrenal, lógico, humano - el pueblo ruso está en una situación sin salida. Y esto no ocurrió sin la intervención de la Providencia Divina... Por lo visto, es hora de que dirijamos todas nuestras miradas al Cielo y que pidamos a Dios perdón y ayuda.

'Ampáranos, sálvanos, ten piedad de nosotros y guárdanos, ¡oh, Dios! Con Tu gracia'.

Yo, como Primer Jerarca de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa en el Extranjero me dirijo a todas las personas rusas y les propongo lo siguiente: volver a la Iglesia, purificar el paganismo en nuestra vida diaria, amar nuestra Patria, nuestra cultura, nuestras tradiciones sin prestarle la menor importancia a las calumnias que sin lugar a dudas nos sobrevendrán. Nos llamarán oscurantistas, fascistas, nazis. Todos pueden amar a su patria, pero nosotros, según nuestros enemigos, no tenemos derecho a hacerlo.

Pídanle ayuda a Dios y, si el Señor protegió a su pueblo elegido en el Antiguo Testamento que llevaba en sus entrañas a los antepasados de la Madre de Dios (de Quien nació nuestro Salvador en la carne), enviando a Su ángel que puso a 170.000 soldados asirios a dormir con el sueño eterno, el Señor todavía es fuerte en nuestros días para aplastar a los enemigos del pueblo ortodoxo, quitándoles el corazón para el mal.

El Señor es el Soberano de los corazones humanos. Cuando dos ejércitos se enfrentan y están listos para pelear, siempre gana el ejército al cual el Señor le da el corazón para ganar. El ejército derrotado es aquel al que el Señor le quita el corazón para la victoria. Aquí es donde radica la esencia de todo éxito humano en la tierra. Sin embargo, debemos ser dignos de tal victoria de Dios y no condenar a nadie, dejar de odiar, porque nosotros mismos estamos llenos de pecados, pasiones y toda clase de injusticias.

Enderézate pueblo ruso, deja de lado todo miedo, persígnate con una cruz amplia, persígnate a menudo, por la mañana y por la noche, y cuando sea posible, con una oración: '¡Señor, perdóname! ¡Señor, ten piedad de mí!'

Y Dios oirá nuestro clamor.

Sólo en esto veo nuestra única esperanza y salvación.

'¡Dios está con nosotros, escuchad pueblos todos y sometéos, Ya que Dios está con nosotros!'.


Metropolitano Vitaly (Ustinov).
Sermón pronunciado en el congreso del clero en Cleveland, el martes 23 de sept./ 6 de oct. de 1992

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