
domingo, 10 de octubre de 2021

120-летие Освящения Собора Святой Троицы - 120 Años de la Consagración de la Catedral de la Santísima Trinidad -120th Anniversary of the Consecration of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity


Сегодня Русская Православная Церковь Заграницей в Буэнос-Айресе отмечает 120-летие Освящения Собора Святой Троицы.

Hoy la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa en el Extranjero de Buenos Aires celebra 120 años de la Consagración  de la Catedral de la Santísima Trinidad.  


Today the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad in Buenos Aires celebrates 120 years of the Consecration of the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! 
For the glory of the Unisubstantial, Vivifying and Indivisible Trinity, from September 22 / October 5 to September 27 / October 10, 2021 the celebrations of the 120 years since the Consecration of the High Altar of our Cathedral of the Holy Trinity took place , the first Orthodox temple in all of South America. 
Thanks to modern technology, all the religious services and the sacred music concert were broadcast on YouTube on our channel "Hermandad San Sergio." Of course, in relation to this, we must acknowledge a technical error in the sound. The few tests carried out previously were not enough to anticipate some possible clipping in the transmission sound. We found out very late. But it is good for our humility. However, many recordings made in the temple from some particular devices, manage to show the difference of the sound perceived in the temple. 
So strong were the emotions experienced and the mood prevailing in the temple that they could be transmitted by that inanimate medium (the transmission) and many people shared that they followed the service with tears in their eyes, as did many of those present.
We are not about to tell what everyone could and can see with their own eyes. But there are moments that must be shared and need to be discussed. In the first place, the unanimity and cohesion that we had not felt between us for a long time and that resurfaced many months before the celebration. The participation of the parishioners in all areas of the preparations. In the kitchen, sewing, cleaning, at the construction site to have the apartments where we host our precious visitors from the south ready. In the temple, they worked against the clock to finish on time with the icons and ornaments on the ceilings of the Main Altar, with the printing of the Jubilee Book, in the scanning of the photographs and documents, with the preparation of the exclusive historical exhibition. In the choir rehearsals… the selfless work of the conductors and choirs that began several months before the celebration. 
It had been a long time since all the choral staff of the Cathedral met. There was a call with hope that turned into a participation with faith. 
Gradually, our longtime choristers began to adhere to the work. We say that choral singing is a faithful reflection of the conciliar sentiment. Behold, despite various difficulties, ways of thinking and different spirits, as the date approached (without being noticed by ourselves at that time), the spirit of unanimity, humility, and council grew. And with them, the good results. There were difficult moments in rehearsals. We thought— “the next rehearsal is not coming”… No! At the next rehearsal, with humility, meekness, good cheer, joyful, everyone came! The Lord blessed the good intentions of His servants.
The multifaceted program of the festivities was worked on by everyone. Each one put their grain of sand, their idea and therefore their help. The invisible historical-spiritual component played, according to our humble understanding, a sacramental role. We are talking about the choice of melodies and composers, the menu at the banquet and reception. The choice of color for ecclesiastical vestments and ornaments. 
The ornaments and clothing were green. It is the color used for Pentecost. Our case has double value: they are very showy and were acquired in Athens together with dear brother José in 1997. 
In the repertoire of the choir, several ascetics of sacred choral art from the entire history of the Russian Orthodox Church in Argentina were present: in their compositions, their specific characteristics and imprint, in the works sung under their direction by the current conductors and choreographers. Eternal memory to all of them!
Litanies were sung in Spanish, Arabic, Greek and Slavic. The parishes that were attended by the clergy of our Cathedral throughout its history also participated, with their characteristic melodies, with their practices and experiences: of the Protective Mantle of the Virgin in Tres Capones, of San Nicolás in Encarnación, of the Serbian Community of San Sava in Buenos Aires. 
Of course, it had to do with the world situation and the isolation suffered in recent times as a result of the pandemic. Practically, it was the first time in a long time that the doors of the temple were reopened (although those days, access was also by list) and the sanctuary was filled with faithful thirsty for prayer in community. Everyone was very happy for the simple fact that they could have come to pray. 
After the liturgy, we all descended to the hall, where our sisters entertained us with a meal and the parishioners were able to appreciate the exhibition prepared exclusively for the case.
In the afternoon, the Likui Choir offered a concert of sacred choral music and the guests were also able to appreciate the historic exhibition. Members of the National Government and CABA, the Armed and Security Forces, and neighboring religious communities and friends honored us with their presence. Among them, Monsignor Iosif and Archpriest John of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, as well as the Ambassador of the Russian Federation and his wife. 
Thank God the festivities passed in a solemn, peaceful, friendly, pious way, in a spirit of prayer. Of course, we couldn't even get close to the brilliance of the celebrations 120 years ago. But according to our present humble possibilities, we have struggled. Our effort was aimed, first of all, to thank God for His immeasurable Mercy! Almighty God ordained that we, His humble servants, should be the guardians of this, His sanctuary. We will continue to serve and work to continue offering to God the Sacrifice of Truth on this Offertory for the glory of the Holy Trinity, for service to the Homeland, in honor of our ancestors and for the relief of the faithful until the end of the centuries. Amen.
Неделя 16. Литургия. Semana 16. Liturgia. 16th Week. Liturgy


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